The live-action series adaptation of the cult manga Cat's Eyes, by Tsukasa Hōjō, makes a grand entrance into the French audiovisual landscape. Created by Michel Catz, the series reunites Camille Lou, Constance Labbé and Claire Romain in the roles of the three iconic sisters: Alexia, Tam and Sylia. This blend ofaction, adventure, comedy and romance modernizes the original story while paying homage to the original work.
Cat's Eyes will be broadcast on Prime Video from December 18, 2024, after having been shown on TF1 since November 11, 2024.
Synopsis: In 2023, in the City of Light, Alexia, Tam and Sylia reunite after years apart. At the same time, a work of art belonging to their father, who disappeared ten years earlier in a mysterious fire at his art gallery, resurfaces at a prestigious exhibition at the Eiffel Tower. They decide to take any risk to steal it, in the hope of finally understanding what happened to him. The trio soon find themselves in the sights of Quentin Chapuis, captain of the BRB, whose job it is to arrest these new thieves who keep eluding him. But little does he know that among them is his long-time love, Tam...
The plot takes place in Paris, where our heroines attempt to unravel the mystery surrounding their father's disappearance. Their quest leads them to become art thieves, while juggling Tam's complex feelings for Quentin Chapuis, a BRB captain assigned to arrest them.
This new series is aimed above all at those nostalgic for the manga and its animated adaptation, broadcast in France in the 1980s. Fans of dynamic and romantic stories will also find something to their liking, thanks to a mix of hectic action and sentimental tension.
Viewers of modern French series such as Lupin may also be seduced by this cat-and-mouse game set in a glorified Parisian setting. However, manga purists may find the modernization choices and adaptation of the characters to the live-action format intriguing or disconcerting.
Michel Catz wanted to retain the essence of the original work, while adding a touch of freshness to appeal to a new generation. With its spectacular action scenes and humorous dialogue, the series is set to become a family and intergenerational favorite.
With its blend of action, romance and humor, Cat's Eyes promises to appeal to a wide audience. Adapting aJapanese animation classic into a modern format, the French series relies on a talented cast and a plot full of twists and turns to capture the attention of viewers, whether fans of the manga or newcomers to the world of the three thieving sisters.
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