Another day of strikes and demonstrations scheduled for Friday, October 13, 2023

Published by Graziella de Sortiraparis, Caroline de Sortiraparis, Cécile de Sortiraparis · Photos by · Published on October 7th, 2023 at 06:45 p.m.
Following on from the protests against pension reform, the inter-union federation is planning a new demonstration on Friday October 13, 2023, to call for higher wages and index points in the civil service.

For many months, the French and trade unions have been holding one demonstration after another, in the hope of getting the government to budge on pension reform. The government's use of 49.3 only served to inflame tensions, and although mobilizations ceased this summer, anger has not subsided in the face of rising living costs. And so, this Friday, October 13, 2023, the inter-union group is calling for a return to the streets for a day of inter-professional strikes and demonstrations.

On May 1st, mobilization was very high, with the CGT counting 2.3 million demonstrators, despite the failure of demonstrations against the bill. This time, the main demands are for higher wages and index points in the civil service, as well as an increase in retirement pensions. With the price of electricity, fuel and food rising, rents on the rise and hospitals under strain, many French people are struggling to make ends meet.

This new strike is likely to have an impact on public transport, particularly at SNCF and RATP, which will announce the scale of the mobilization in the days leading up to the demonstration. Majority school unions have also relayed the call, as have unions in the aviation and healthcare sectors. All liberal medical unions, general practitioners and specialists, are calling for an "unlimited strike" starting this Friday 13th.

Will this call be heeded by the French once again? We'll have the answer in the next few days.

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
On October 13th, 2023

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.
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