Portrait de Hong Kong, the film series at the Forum des Images

Published by Communiqué Sponsorisé · Published on April 3rd, 2024 at 03:03 p.m.
From April 3 to July 7, 2024, set course for Hong Kong, sublime film city and pop culture canon, with 100 film screenings that bring together mythological past and political present. Screenings, film classes, video game and comic book sessions, cartes blanches and encounters await you at the Forum des Images.

The Forum des Images celebrates the mythology of a cinema that has disappeared before our very eyes, the cinema of Hong Kong, with over 80 films to discover, from the golden age of cinema to works censored by politicians!

Masterpieces and major filmmakers are here to be rediscovered on the big screen: productions from the Shaw Brothers studios that set the canons of genre cinema, musicals, historical frescoes and wu xia pian films with precursors King Hu and Chang Cheh, the wildly inventive achievements of the New Wave of the 1980s driven by Tsui Hark, Johnnie To or Ringo Lam, and the melancholy of Wong Kar-wai in the face of Hong Kong's retrocession to China... Over 100 screenings covering film production from the 1950s to the present day await us at the Forum des Images.

Good deal: Enjoy unlimited access to the 100 screenings of the Portrait of Hong Kong theme with the Forum Hong Kong card for €28 - subscription!


Wednesday April 3: Opening night with Nomad (preview of the theatrical release)
The cycle opens with one of the emblematic films of the Hong Kong new wave: Patrick Tam's Nomad. A blend of politics, pop culture and formal research, this tale of hedonistic, free-spirited youth was censored on release in 1982 for its "erotic" scenes. Carlotta films is releasing it in France (June 26, 2024), in a 4K restored version.

La nuit du générique spécial Hong Kong - Thursday April 4 - 8pm
For its 10th edition, La nuit du générique (association We Love Your Names) offers a rich program featuring the work of Hong Kong art director Joyce N Ho and a selection of Hong Kong-themed credits.

Rencontre avec Mary Stephen - Saturday, April 13, 6:30pm
In an exceptional session, film editor Mary Stephen presents a selection of amateur images shot by her father between 1949 and 1963 in 8 and 16mm, on the island of Hong Kong. She evokes her own Hong Kong through film extracts chosen from among the filmmakers with whom she collaborated.

Two POPUP! screenings devoted to video games - Saturday April 13 and Thursday April 18
The Forum des images invites Yang Ling, creator and curator of Hong Kong video games. She talks about video game production in Hong Kong and Forgetter, the exciting game she designed with Alan Kwa, in the company of independent video game specialist Isabelle Arvers.

Les secrets du Ciné Kung Fu : carte blanche à François et Max Armanet - Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5
The Forum des images is delighted to welcome journalists, writers and directors François and Max Armanet. At the dawn of the 1980s, they discovered Ciné Kung Fu through their articles and reports in Libération, with the support of Serge Daney. In 1995, they wrote "Ciné Kung-fu", a reference book by
Quentin Tarantino, and made documentaries for television. At the Forum, they present a selection of films that take the aesthetics of this genre to its peak. This is also an opportunity to discover their documentary, Kung-fu, cinéma de Hong Kong.

Throughout the cycle, you'll find a photo exhibition by Françoise Huguier on Hong Kong in 1984. That year, Françoise Huguier accompanied Charles Tesson and Olivier Assayas to Hong Kong to produce a photo report for a special issue of Cahiers du cinéma. Twenty rare snapshots chosen from her rich archives: the streets of a Hong Kong in the throes of change, visits to film studios, film shoots and portraits of directors (legendary such as King Hu or destined for cult status, such as Tsui Hark).

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From April 3rd, 2024 to July 17th, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    2 Rue du cinéma
    75001 Paris 1

    Official website

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