Nuit Blanche 2024: an evening of art and sport at MABA in Nogent-sur-Marne (94)

Published by Cécile de Sortiraparis, Laurent de Sortiraparis · Published on May 28th, 2024 at 08:07 p.m.
Don't miss the Nuit Blanche at Nogent-sur-Marne's MABA on June 1, 2024. Discover this historic site in a new light, and experience an unforgettable evening at the heart of art and culture.

Nuit Blanche is an annual invitation to artistic and cultural discovery that transforms Paris and its suburbs into a vast open-air museum. The event runs from sunset to dawn on June 1, 2024, offering visitors a nocturnal journey of exhibitions, performances and art installations. During this magical night, art takes over the city, taking over iconic sites, historic monuments, parks and even the streets. It's a free event open to all, allowing the public to rediscover their city in a new light.

The MABA, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Nogent-sur-Marne, one of the region's cultural gems, is taking part in this year's Nuit Blanche. Housed in a magnificent 19th-century mansion, MABA offers an enchanting setting for lovers of art and history. It houses a rich and varied collection of works of art, ranging from painting and sculpture to photography and graphic arts. The museum is also renowned for its commitment to contemporary art, regularly presenting temporary exhibitions by contemporary artists.

For Nuit Blanche, MABA offers a unique setting that lends itself perfectly to nocturnal exploration, and has also planned an exceptional program, combining permanent exhibitions and ephemeral installations. A chance to see the museum and its works in a different, more mysterious and poetic light. A unique experience not to be missed!

The Nuit Blanche 2024 program at MABA :

  • K.O. debout, a publication transpired in three rounds
    During the Nuit Blanche and as part of S'print, MABA will be in permanent loop and will be turning pages with Susanna Shannon, artistic director and publisher ofIrrégulomadaire, and Étienne Hervy, curator of S'print. The object of their labor: the book I am King, the pictorial biography of Mohamed Ali compiled in 1975 by David King. From these pages were born other pages and other matches addressed to visitors. A publishing project and an educational undertaking, K.O. debout is also conceived as a performance and an interactive device which, in the time of its production, raises questions prior to its publication. The imagery of sport, the aesthetics and culture of the page, the work of word and form are all activated in a close and tumultuous association with the visitor.

  • Parcours de santé
    A primary text-image relationship: visuals and captions that invite (inter)action rather than contemplation. The health trail is, in its own way and in a minor mode, a genre in its own right, re-enacted in black silkscreen on Pearloid. Seven graphic designers, illustrators and artists have each designed a stage of the journey, free from the imperatives of the genre, as long as the engagement of the body aligned in the extension of the eye and the flexible articulation of text and image remain. In the run-up to the exhibition, several occurrences of the itinerary are activated in the public space without any further preamble or warm-up. It's up to each and every one of us to position ourselves to at least cross the distance that separates us from aesthetics and expressions that are foreign to us. And it's up to each and every one of us to find the right posture in the face of such rightly unreasoned injunctions.
    With posters by Caroline Peron, Sammy Stein, Sylvia Tournerie, Hector de la Vallée...

  • King Pong in the library
    During the Nuit Blanche, ping pong will be played at night in the library, on one of the boards set aside for a graphics studio. As well as playing the game: how to overcome, bend or constrain this rigorous grid to the point of disrupting the game it invites.

  • Act II of the opera Terre, air, feu, by Maxime Rossi
    Maxime Rossi revisits the idea of the hairdresser's salon. A space for socializing and connecting, offering a place where intimate experience becomes collective: we get our hair done, we dance, we exchange, in the midst of a musical marathon where we meet a singer blending lyrical song with sounds from overseas and a multi-instrumentalist against the backdrop of the noise of lively, vibrant arenas.
    Free admission, open to all.

The Nuit Blanche 2024 program at the Parc de la Fondation des Artistes - MABA :

Aucun événement annoncé à ce jour, le programme est mis à jour en fonction des annonces officielles.

Aucun événement annoncé à ce jour, le programme est mis à jour en fonction des annonces officielles.


    Dans le cadre de S’print, la MABA, en bouclage permanent, se met à faire des pages : Susanna Shannon, directrice artistique éditrice d’Irrégulomadaire, Victoire le Bars, graphiste, animatrice du programme d’entretiens Hors série sur Duuu Radio (et qui pratique la boxe) travaillent avec les membres – étudiants et enseignants – du DN MADE mention Graphisme des Gobelins et Étienne Hervy, commissaire de S’print. L’objet de leur labeur : le livre I am King, la biographie imagée de Mohamed Ali rassemblée en 1975 par David King, directeur artistique, designer et éditeur anglais. De ces pages naîtront d’autres pages et d’autres matchs adressés aux visiteurs.
    Projet éditorial, entreprise pédagogique, K.O. debout s’envisage aussi comme une performance et un dispositif interactif qui, dans le temps de sa production-même, interpelle en amont de sa parution. Imagerie du sport, esthétique et culture de la page, travail du mot et de la forme sont activés dans une association étroite et tumultueuse avec le visiteur.
    S'print est un projet réalisé à l’occasion de La Métropolitaine, rendez-vous international d’art contemporain de la Métropole du Grand Paris, en collaboration avec TRAM réseau art contemporain Paris / Île-de-France

  • MAXIME ROSSI / Terre, air, feu : Acte II

    Dans le cadre de La Métropolitaine, Maxime Rossi présente l'acte II de l'opéra Terre, air, feu.
    Maxime Rossi revisite l’idée de salon de coiffure. Un espace de socialisation et de connexion, offrant un lieu où l’expérience intime devient collective : on se fait coiffer, on danse, on échange au milieu d’un marathon musical où l’on croise une chanteuse mêlant lyrique et sonorités d’Outre-mer, et un multi-instrumentiste sur fond de bruits d’arènes animées et vibrantes. - Vittoria Matarrese, critique et commissaire indépendante.
    Terre, air, feu est une œuvre de l'artiste Maxime Rossi crée à l'occasion de La Métropolitaine, Rendez-vous international d’art contemporain de la Métropole du Grand Paris, organisé en collaboration avec TRAM réseau art contemporain Paris / Île-de-France du 4 mai au 15 septembre 2024

  • PATRICK GODDARD / Swarms, hordes, plagues!

    Entitled Essaims, hordes, fléaux (Swarms, hordes, plagues), the exhibition by British artist Patrick Goddard brings together recent and previously unseen works: sculptures, installations and films, blending anthropic concerns about the end of "nature" with a critique of xenophobia. The exhibition also features recent films Animal Antics (2021) and its sequel Whoopsie's Dream (2022), two satirical comedies featuring the eponymous Bichon Frise Whoopsie. As he recounts his recent nightmare set in idealized 1960s Britain, the animal gradually reveals his anxieties and prejudices about immigration, queer liberation and otherness. In both films, the bichon sees "wild" animals invade the city, the house and finally his own body. Invertebrates invade the house, parasites infest the body and a multitude of giant snails unfold in the suburban environment, in wall sculptures derived from the film, a kind of miniature dioramas conceived as nostalgic visions invaded by these strange mollusks.


    Nombre de pratiques sportives recourent au marquage. Celui des tenues pour distinguer une équipe d’une autre, celui aussi du terrain afin d’en approprier l’usage : surface de réparation, zone restrictive, ligne de fond, de côté ou de service, … Formes et couleurs se constituent en élément de loi, en partition normée et contrastée de la règle du jeu. Elles contribuent aussi à la dimension spectaculaire du sport.
    Pour S’print, les plateaux de quatre tables de ping pong sont proposés comme espace de jeu à autant de studios graphiques. En plus d’y disputer sa partie : comment franchir, tordre ou contraindre cette rigueur quadrillée jusqu’à troubler le jeu auquel elle invite. L’exercice n’est ni feint ni vain, en amont de l’exposition S'print, ces tables seront placées dans les espaces de la MABA disponibles au jeu et à une sociabilisation heureuse au son des “ping” et des “pong”.
    S'print est un projet réalisé à l’occasion de La Métropolitaine, rendez-vous international d’art contemporain de la Métropole du Grand Paris, en collaboration avec TRAM réseau art contemporain Paris / Île-de-France

An unusual cultural evening not to be missed!

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
On June 1st, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    16 Rue Charles VII
    94130 Nogent sur Marne

    RER E "Nogent - Le Perreux" station


    Official website
