Maison5, trgovina s konceptom

To poletje bodo ljubitelji oblikovanja, glasbe, mode, športa in avtomobilizma imeli zmenek z Maison5! Od 15. junija do 15. septembra 2024 bo ta hiša doživetij na 1.800 m2 odprla svoja vrata za brezplačne razstave, tečaje juda, večere DJ setov s slavno založbo, haute-gastronomijo, ki jo bosta podpisala nekdanji top chef in kuhar pariške palače, ter več izjemno kul mojstrskih tečajev!

Maison5, concept store  - image00002Maison5, concept store  - image00002Maison5, concept store  - image00002Maison5, concept store  - image00002
Maison5, concept store  - image00012Maison5, concept store  - image00012Maison5, concept store  - image00012Maison5, concept store  - image00012
Maison5, concept store  - image00009Maison5, concept store  - image00009Maison5, concept store  - image00009Maison5, concept store  - image00009
Maison5, concept store  - image00038Maison5, concept store  - image00038Maison5, concept store  - image00038Maison5, concept store  - image00038
Maison5, concept store  - image00017Maison5, concept store  - image00017Maison5, concept store  - image00017Maison5, concept store  - image00017
Maison5, concept store  - image00018Maison5, concept store  - image00018Maison5, concept store  - image00018Maison5, concept store  - image00018
Maison5, concept store  - image00052Maison5, concept store  - image00052Maison5, concept store  - image00052Maison5, concept store  - image00052
Maison5, concept store  - image00003Maison5, concept store  - image00003Maison5, concept store  - image00003Maison5, concept store  - image00003
Maison5, concept store  - image00008Maison5, concept store  - image00008Maison5, concept store  - image00008Maison5, concept store  - image00008
Maison5, concept store  - image00027Maison5, concept store  - image00027Maison5, concept store  - image00027Maison5, concept store  - image00027
Maison5, concept store  - image00033Maison5, concept store  - image00033Maison5, concept store  - image00033Maison5, concept store  - image00033
Maison5, concept store  - image00010Maison5, concept store  - image00010Maison5, concept store  - image00010Maison5, concept store  - image00010
Maison5, concept store  - image00025Maison5, concept store  - image00025Maison5, concept store  - image00025Maison5, concept store  - image00025
Maison5, concept store  - image00042Maison5, concept store  - image00042Maison5, concept store  - image00042Maison5, concept store  - image00042
Maison5, concept store  - image00024Maison5, concept store  - image00024Maison5, concept store  - image00024Maison5, concept store  - image00024
Maison5, concept store  - image00059Maison5, concept store  - image00059Maison5, concept store  - image00059Maison5, concept store  - image00059
Maison5, concept store  - image00005Maison5, concept store  - image00005Maison5, concept store  - image00005Maison5, concept store  - image00005
Maison5, concept store  - image00060Maison5, concept store  - image00060Maison5, concept store  - image00060Maison5, concept store  - image00060
Maison5, concept store  - image00046Maison5, concept store  - image00046Maison5, concept store  - image00046Maison5, concept store  - image00046
Maison5, concept store  - image00044Maison5, concept store  - image00044Maison5, concept store  - image00044Maison5, concept store  - image00044
Maison5, concept store  - image00045Maison5, concept store  - image00045Maison5, concept store  - image00045Maison5, concept store  - image00045
Maison5, concept store  - image00055Maison5, concept store  - image00055Maison5, concept store  - image00055Maison5, concept store  - image00055
Maison5, concept store  - image00064Maison5, concept store  - image00064Maison5, concept store  - image00064Maison5, concept store  - image00064
Maison5, concept store  - image00035Maison5, concept store  - image00035Maison5, concept store  - image00035Maison5, concept store  - image00035


Maison5, concept store  - image00035Maison5, concept store  - image00035Maison5, concept store  - image00035Maison5, concept store  - image00035

Maison5: glasba, umetnost, moda, kulinarika in šport v 1.800 m2 veliki trgovini doživetij v Parizu

To poletje bodo ljubitelji oblikovanja, glasbe, mode, športa in avtomobilizma imeli zmenek z Maison5! Od 15. junija do 15. septembra 2024 bo ta hiša doživetij na 1.800 m2 odprla svoja vrata za brezplačne razstave, tečaje juda, večere DJ setov s slavno založbo, haute-gastronomijo, ki jo bosta podpisala nekdanji top chef in kuhar pariške palače, ter več izjemno kul mojstrskih tečajev!