Francoski krofi

Kako je z dobrimi krofi v Parizu?

The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts


The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts

Francoski krofi, specialisti za krofe v Parizu

Francoski krofi (nekdanji Humm... DOnuts) ostajajo obvezni za ljubitelje ameriških krofov. Njihovi okrogli, puhli krofi se za radovedneže spreminjajo vsak mesec! Lokal deluje tudi kot kavarna, kjer se lahko sprostite in spijete mocha, chai latte ali milkshake v 9. pariškem okrožju.