Alert - activities

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Disaster alert: your phone will ring if you're in the 17th arrondissement this Tuesday

Don't panic if your phone suddenly starts screaming this Tuesday, if you live in the capital! This is just a test of the new disaster alert system, already deployed in other regions.
Coronavirus : les différences entre zone alerte, alerte renforcée et alerte maximaleCoronavirus : les différences entre zone alerte, alerte renforcée et alerte maximaleCoronavirus : les différences entre zone alerte, alerte renforcée et alerte maximaleCoronavirus : les différences entre zone alerte, alerte renforcée et alerte maximale

Coronavirus: differences between alert area, reinforced alert area and maximum alert area

As part of the fight against coronavirus, Health minister Olivier Véran has announced on Wednesday September 23, 2020’s address several restrictions with a new map divided into three areas: alert, reinforced alert and maximum alert, in addition to health emergency… What are the differences between them? What are the restrictions implemented in each one of them? Keep reading to know more!
Coronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosolsCoronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosolsCoronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosolsCoronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosols

Coronavirus: The WHO warns the “virus remains public enemy number one”

The WHO sounds the alarm as for the coronavirus pandemic and says “the virus remains public enemy number one”. In a new briefing on July 13, World Health Organization director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also said “too many countries are headed in the wrong direction”.