All night long

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Fête de la musique 2024: All night long Dj set on Place Maurice Quentin

The Fête de la musique 2024 returns on Friday June 21. With the date falling on the eve of a weekend, the Fête de la Musique looks set to keep you dancing all night long! Why not start with the "All night long DJ set" on Place Maurice Quentin in the heart of Paris.
Motel Machine, 10 week-ends de fête à la Machine du Moulin RougeMotel Machine, 10 week-ends de fête à la Machine du Moulin RougeMotel Machine, 10 week-ends de fête à la Machine du Moulin RougeMotel Machine, 10 week-ends de fête à la Machine du Moulin Rouge

Motel Machine, 10 festive weekends at the Machine du Moulin Rouge

For 10 weekends, from June 28 to August 31, 2019, the Machine du Moulin Rouge transforms itself and becomes Motel Machine. A summer and music-filled season giving pride of place to all club areas, from the rooftop to the basement.