Astrazeneca vaccine danger

Vaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur CaumesVaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur CaumesVaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur CaumesVaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur Caumes

AstraZeneca/Janssen: thromboses explained by German searchers

German scientists are said to have discovered where thromboses caused by the AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines come from, explaining they are caused by the vector used, the adenovirus. Keep reading to find out more.
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AstraZeneca vaccine must remain limited to people aged 55+ by the Haute Autorité de Santé says

The Haute Autorité de Santé "maintains the limit of 55 years of age for Vaxzevria", aka AstraZeneca's vaccine, because of the benefit/risk ratio related to rare cases of thrombosis. This notice follows the government's demand as they wish to extend its access to all volunteering French as it is already happening in Germany.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid: vaccination, AstraZeneca... Olivier Véran's address this Thursday April 22

On the occasion of a press brief held this Thursday April 22, French Health Minister Olivier Véran addressed the vaccination situation in France, and answered questions French may have, especially about the vaccines and AstraZeneca. Keep reading to find out more!
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

AstraZeneca: thromboses considered as "rare side effects" of the vaccine, EMA says

After the Medicines Agency confirmed the existence of a "rare" risk of atypical thrombosis, this Tuesday April 6, the European Medicines Agency declares there is indeed a link between the vaccine and the creation of blood clots. The day after, on Wednesday April 7, the European regulator announced in a press brief they list blood clots as one of vaccine rare adverse effects.
Sida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai clinique

Covid: AstraZeneca vaccine to be renamed Vaxzevria

This Tuesday March 30, the European Medicines Agency announced the AstraZeneca vaccine changed its trade name to become Vaxzevria.
Vaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois mois

AstraZeneca reviews data and announces vaccine is 76% effective

As this Monday March 22, AstraZeneca laboratory stated their vaccine was 79% effective and show no risk of thromboses (blood clots), this Thursday March 25, the Swedish-British laboratory reviewed data as required by the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases), and announced updated data including vaccine was 76% effective.
Covid : c'est quoi, une thrombose ?Covid : c'est quoi, une thrombose ?Covid : c'est quoi, une thrombose ?Covid : c'est quoi, une thrombose ?

Covid and AstraZeneca: what is a thrombosis?

As the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine has been sparking questions after suspicious cases of thrombosis ten days following injection, the editorial board has decided to focus on what thromboses are medically speaking. Risks, symptoms, treatments… Here is more on the matter!
Le vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The Lancet

AstraZeneca vaccine: vaccination to immediately resume this Friday

As AstraZeneca vaccine has been assessed safe and effective by the European Medicines Agency this Thursday March 18, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced vaccination to resume this Friday March 19 in the afternoon, after the Haute Autorité de Santé agreed. He added he was to get vaccinated with this product the very same day to set an example. A statement following Emmanuel Macron's order to stop AstraZeneca vaccine use after suspicious cases of thrombosis have been reported after injection.
Coronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageants

AstraZeneca vaccine: WHO advises to keep vaccinating

The World Health Organization called emergency meeting this Tuesday March 16 in Geneva and urge countries to keep on vaccinating with AstraZeneca vaccine, after several EU countries have halted vaccinating with this product, after noticing severe reactions after injection in some cases. The European Medicines Agency is also to meet this Thursday March 18 to take a stock on the situation.
Vaccin contre la Covid : c'est quoi, l'ARN messager ?Vaccin contre la Covid : c'est quoi, l'ARN messager ?Vaccin contre la Covid : c'est quoi, l'ARN messager ?Vaccin contre la Covid : c'est quoi, l'ARN messager ?

AstraZeneca vaccine particularly effective in people aged 65+, a Scottish study finds

Is AstraZeneca vaccine effective against severe Covid in elderly people? This is what a study carried out by the Edinburgh and Glasgow universities found, only available in preprint and currently studied to be published. If approved by a scientific committee, this observation could be a game changer for the French vaccination strategy.
Covid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccin

AstraZeneca vaccine: enhanced vigilance after adverse effects reported in 149 health workers

AstraZeneca vaccine subject to worries… This Thursday February 11, the ANSM said that in 10,000 health workers vaccinated, 149 of them developed mild but harsh side effects such as fever, headache and flu-like condition. Adverse effects required for some to call in sick.
Coronavirus : le vaccin russe soupçonné de fraude ?Coronavirus : le vaccin russe soupçonné de fraude ?Coronavirus : le vaccin russe soupçonné de fraude ?Coronavirus : le vaccin russe soupçonné de fraude ?

Covid: AstraZeneca vaccine approved by France's Haute Autorité de Santé for people under 65

Appproved by the European Medicines Agency since this Friday January 29, Covid vaccine by AstraZeneca has been approved, this Tuesday February 2, by the Haute Autorité de Santé only for people under the age of 65. It is to arrive in France from February 8 - according to Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune.
Coronavirus : AstraZeneca suspend les essais de son vaccinCoronavirus : AstraZeneca suspend les essais de son vaccinCoronavirus : AstraZeneca suspend les essais de son vaccinCoronavirus : AstraZeneca suspend les essais de son vaccin

Coronavirus: AstraZeneca says they have found a 100% safe safe formula against the virus

British pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca announced their vaccine provides a "winning formula" against severe forms of Covid-19.