Baccalaureate - activities

La BnF Richelieu rouvre ses portes après 10 ans de travauxLa BnF Richelieu rouvre ses portes après 10 ans de travauxLa BnF Richelieu rouvre ses portes après 10 ans de travauxLa BnF Richelieu rouvre ses portes après 10 ans de travaux

Where to study in Paris? The perfect libraries and places to study for your exams or your bac

The midterms are coming up, the exams are next week or the bac is coming soon? Don't panic, if you are looking for a place to study quietly, without noise, to be sure to pass your exams, many places in Paris welcome you during the week as well as on weekends, sometimes until late at night.
Jean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 maiJean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 maiJean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 maiJean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 mai

Coronavirus: high schools to reopen in June only? Edouard Philippe's statements on May 28

Edouard Philippe's address on Thursday May 28, 2020 gives further details as for the phase 2 of the containment exit scheme. Technical college are said to reopen from June 2 for at least one of the three levels. As for students in general sections, they will enjoy meetings in small groups with their teacher to assess the situation and the followup for seniors.