Christophe fanichet

Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023

SNCF's deconfinement: 50% of the TER traffic and 60% of the Transilien traffic working from May 11th

The SNCF is getting ready for a difficult containment exit starting from May 11th, 2020. Jean-Baptiste Djebbari and SNCF group CEO Christophe Fanichet presented the train company's deconfinement plan. Mandatory facemasks, filtering system and even details as for the inflow forecasted, everything has been thought up so that the passengers can travel the best way possible. Note that the SNCF says 50% of the TER and 60% of the Transilien trains will be working from Monday May 11th.