Clinical trial - activities

Coronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le mondeCoronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le mondeCoronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le mondeCoronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le monde

Covid: vaccines and therapies available or still being reviewed

Take a stock on Covid-19 vaccines and treatments across the world. Where are the first vaccines at? Are there effective Covid-19 treatments? What are the latest discoveries and breakthroughs performed by scientists?
Coronavirus : les pistes de traitements et vaccins en France et dans le mondeCoronavirus : les pistes de traitements et vaccins en France et dans le mondeCoronavirus : les pistes de traitements et vaccins en France et dans le mondeCoronavirus : les pistes de traitements et vaccins en France et dans le monde

Covid: Dapsone, a promising and affordable therapy under rolling review

And what if Canada just found an effective Covid therapy? Searchers from the Montreal McGill university launched in late November the 3rd phase of a clinical trial on dapsone, a therapy with anti-inflammatory properties working against cytokine storms. Its asset? Being affordable compared to the other therapies under rolling review or currently administrated, particularly expensive.
Coronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon Sanofi

Covid: Kevzara (sarilumab) underperforming as a therapy, according to an AP-HP study

According to an AP-HP study issued this November 23, 2021, Kevzara (sarilumab) - a potential cure to Covid - does not seem to have delivered conclusive results as for its effectiveness to avoid deaths after hospitalization. The study confirms results of the clinical trial led by Sanofi who announced in September 2020 they were ending their clinical trial after results of this study were inconclusive.
Coronavirus : Regeneron suspend ses essais sur le cocktail d'anticorps injecté à Donald TrumpCoronavirus : Regeneron suspend ses essais sur le cocktail d'anticorps injecté à Donald TrumpCoronavirus : Regeneron suspend ses essais sur le cocktail d'anticorps injecté à Donald TrumpCoronavirus : Regeneron suspend ses essais sur le cocktail d'anticorps injecté à Donald Trump

Covid: antibody cocktail Regeneron working up to eight months, the laboratory claims

Good news in the search for the fight against Covid… Regeneron announced their antibody cocktail injected in cases of severe disease was 80% effective for at least eight months, according to the drugmaker’s latest studies. It involves a cocktail of antibodies given in 2020 to U.S. President Trump when we was hospitalized for severe covid.
Covid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virusCovid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virusCovid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virusCovid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virus

Covid: fluvoxamine, the antidepressant likely to cut down hospitalization risks, studies found

There is a potential new Covid drug! Following preliminary results from a Canadian study released this past August, the results of a Brazilian clinical results issued this late October in The Lancet seem to confirm antidepressant fluvoxamine considerably decreases hospitalization risk for people contaminated.
Covid : un nouveau traitement au anticorps développé par SpikImm à l'étudeCovid : un nouveau traitement au anticorps développé par SpikImm à l'étudeCovid : un nouveau traitement au anticorps développé par SpikImm à l'étudeCovid : un nouveau traitement au anticorps développé par SpikImm à l'étude

Covid: a new antibody therapy developed by Spiklmm under rolling review

Is a new Covid therapy based on monoclonal antibodies soon to be reviewed? This is what infectious disease specialist and member of Spiklmm biotech administration board Karine Lacombe has explained. The very laboratory is developing this therapy. Clinical trials are expected to start from the beginning of 2022.
Vaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois mois

Covid: take a stock on Sanofi vaccine currently completing clincal trial phase 3

Sanofi France CEO Olivier Bogillot announced this July 5th on France Inter the vaccine developed by the laboratories will be available by December 2021. The vaccine is currently completing phase 3 of their trial.
Coronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai cliniqueCoronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai cliniqueCoronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai cliniqueCoronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai clinique

Covid: German vaccine CureVac in turmoil?

Bad news for CureVac vaccine... This Wednesday June 16, the German laboratory announced their vaccine - developed with pharmaceutical and agrochemical group Bayer - did not deliver the expected results during the latest clinical trial phase, with 47% effectiveness. Disappointing results likely to slow down vaccine marketing.
Coronavirus : le vaccin de BioNTech et Pfizer autorisé à être testé sur l'hommeCoronavirus : le vaccin de BioNTech et Pfizer autorisé à être testé sur l'hommeCoronavirus : le vaccin de BioNTech et Pfizer autorisé à être testé sur l'hommeCoronavirus : le vaccin de BioNTech et Pfizer autorisé à être testé sur l'homme

Covid: vaccinating 12-15 y.o. with Pfizer allowed in Europe

Following consultation, this Friday May 28, the European Medicines Agency has approved vaccinating teenagers from 12 years old with Pfizer. As for France, the country is still waiting for the report from the Haute Autorité de Santé likely to be handed over "next week".
Covid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce VéranCovid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce VéranCovid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce VéranCovid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce Véran

Covid: a 3rd dose of Moderna vaccine to be working against variants, a study found

Is Moderna’s Covid vaccine effective against Brazilian and South African variants after a third dose? This is what the American laboratory found this Wednesday May 5, releasing the preliminary and encouraging results of phase 2 of their clinical trial on the matter.
Covid : le cocktail casirivimab/imdevimab, le traitement prometteur de Regeneron contre le virusCovid : le cocktail casirivimab/imdevimab, le traitement prometteur de Regeneron contre le virusCovid : le cocktail casirivimab/imdevimab, le traitement prometteur de Regeneron contre le virusCovid : le cocktail casirivimab/imdevimab, le traitement prometteur de Regeneron contre le virus

Covid: casirivimab/imdevimab cocktail, Regeneron’s promising treatment against the virus

This Monday April 12, Roche and Regeneron laboratories have issued results from phase 3 of their clinical trial for a treatment against Covid, a cocktail of casirivimab and imdevimab able to cut the risk of transmitting the virus within populations.
Sida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai clinique

AIDS: several HIV vaccines currently studied

A new step in the fight against AIDS… After researchers from the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI) announced they are launching a clinical trial this past February 25, American research institute Scripps and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative announced, this Sunday April 11, a major breakthrough in their works: they managed to launch the process to make the body creates anibodies able to neutralize a large range of viral strains, HIV included.
Covid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDA

Covid: Eli Lilly antibody therapy said to reduce hospitalization risks, a study finds

As the race for Covid vaccines and therapies is speeding up all over the world, drugmaker Eli Lilly announced this Wednesday March 10 their antibody therapy mixing Bamlanivimab and Etsesevimab is said to reduced by 87% hospitalization and death risk in the event of severe infection. A combined therapy that received emergency use authorization back to late February from the Food & Drug Administration.
Coronavirus : l'interféron bêta, un traitement efficace selon une étudeCoronavirus : l'interféron bêta, un traitement efficace selon une étudeCoronavirus : l'interféron bêta, un traitement efficace selon une étudeCoronavirus : l'interféron bêta, un traitement efficace selon une étude

Coronavirus: interferon beta, an effective treatment soon to be used in France?

According to the pharmaceutical company Synairgen, clinical trials about a treatment based on interferon beta – usually used against sclerosis – gave “very significative” outcomes against coronavirus. A treatment that could relieve severe cases with respiratory distress.
Rupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippeRupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippeRupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippeRupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippe

Coronavirus: Moderna Therapeutics vaccine 94% effective, the laboratory claims

The fight against coronavirus is escalating! American laboratory Moderna has announced this Monday November 16 that their vaccine against coronavirus was 94.5% effective. An announcement following their rival Pfizer's statement.
Coronavirus : le Calquence, un traitement efficace contre les chocs cytokiniques ?Coronavirus : le Calquence, un traitement efficace contre les chocs cytokiniques ?Coronavirus : le Calquence, un traitement efficace contre les chocs cytokiniques ?Coronavirus : le Calquence, un traitement efficace contre les chocs cytokiniques ?

Covid-19: Calquence, an effective treatment against cytokine shocks?

Is Claquence an effective treatment to fight against Covid-19? Pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca has announced phase 2 of their clinical trials with this potential treatment to coronavirus “did not meet the primary endpoint”. A clinical trial which point was to try and assess its effect against cytokine shocks, this violent inflammatory response from the immune system, combined with Covid-19 infection.
Coronavirus : la Chine va tester un premier vaccin sur des militairesCoronavirus : la Chine va tester un premier vaccin sur des militairesCoronavirus : la Chine va tester un premier vaccin sur des militairesCoronavirus : la Chine va tester un premier vaccin sur des militaires

Coronavirus: China to test vaccine for military use

In late June, China has approved inoculation of a candidate vaccine against coronavirus for military use. An experimental vaccine with encouraging results but not sure to be put on the market.
Recovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai cliniqueRecovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai cliniqueRecovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai cliniqueRecovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai clinique

Recovery: hydroxychloroquine useless, the first results of the clinical trial say

Is hydroxychloroquine once and for all useless against coronavirus? This is what seems to say the first results of the British Recovery clinical trial expected by the scientific community. The first conclusions incited the scientific authorities to stop enrolling patients for this branch of the study.
Coronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquineCoronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquineCoronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquineCoronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquine

Chloroquine: three authors of the study published in The Lancet are recanting

Chloroquine keeps on sparking off controversies within the international community… After a British study released in The Lancet said the treatment against coronavirus was useless, the medical magazine distanced tself with its results, now three authors are recanting. A study that convinced French Health Minister Olivier Véran this May 23 to review the regulations for prescribing this treatment.
Coronavirus : le point sur l'essai DiscoveryCoronavirus : le point sur l'essai DiscoveryCoronavirus : le point sur l'essai DiscoveryCoronavirus : le point sur l'essai Discovery

Coronavirus: update on the Discovery trial, Europe struggling to participate

Where is the Discovery trial at, this European clinical trial testing four experimental treatments against coronavirus? Let's have an update!