The Franchise, an HBO comedy starring Himesh Patel and Aya Cash, reveals the chaotic behind-the-scenes story of a superhero franchise's quest for success. Streaming from October 7 on Max.
The incredible life of Karl Lagerfeld is featured in a biographical series, to be discovered from June 7, 2024 on Disney+. Becoming Karl Lagerfeld relives the rise of the eminent German couturier and former artistic director of Chanel, and uncovers his hidden side ...
Captain America: Civil War, an epic adventure by Anthony and Joe Russo, starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson, which tears the Avengers apart against a backdrop of government control, airs on TMC this Monday, April 22, 2024.
The biopic "Race for Glory: Audi vs Lancia" is released on February 7, 2024, retracing the Lancia-Audi rivalry of 1983, starring Riccardo Scamarcio and Daniel Brühl.