
Covid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en FranceCovid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en FranceCovid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en FranceCovid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en France

Covid: dancing in bars and restaurants to be allowed from February 16th?

Dancing has been banned in France's bars and restaurants since this past December 8th. But when will it be allowed again to party in these venues? Although Jean Castex did not specified this restriction during the press conference held this January 20, 2022, it is likely it will be lifted at the same time nightclubs reopn, standing shows resume and the end of the ban of eating whilst standing in bars, namely from February 16th.
Port du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteursPort du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteursPort du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteursPort du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteurs

Covid: facemask-wearing no longer compulsory in places subject to the health pass

According to a new decree issued this August 8, 2021 in Journal Officiel, compulsory facemask-wearing will be lifted in places and establishments subject to the health pass. Yet, the department prefect, the venue operator or the event organizer can decide to instate facemask-wearing if they want to.
Grippe aviaire : un élevage de canards contaminé dans les LandesGrippe aviaire : un élevage de canards contaminé dans les LandesGrippe aviaire : un élevage de canards contaminé dans les LandesGrippe aviaire : un élevage de canards contaminé dans les Landes

Avian flu in France: Twice as many clusters in South-Western France, the situation is "out of control"

The situation is getting worse in South-Western France. In one week the number of avian flu clusters had doubled up. From now on, the National Food Administration reports 124 of them in the country, including 119 in Landes. As for professionals of the sector, they find the situation "out of control".
Expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique en France dès 2021Expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique en France dès 2021Expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique en France dès 2021Expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique en France dès 2021

France to launch medical cannabis tests in 2021

The 2020-1230 decree allowing the launch of medical cannabis tests in France has been published in the Journal Officiel, after several delays.
T'Cocktail, le bar à cocktails London Style à ParisT'Cocktail, le bar à cocktails London Style à ParisT'Cocktail, le bar à cocktails London Style à ParisT'Cocktail, le bar à cocktails London Style à Paris

Coronavirus: bars officially close down in Paris and its inner suburbs

It was bound to happen... Bars in Paris and its inner suburbs - now on maximum alert - must close from October 6 for at least two weeks.
Le Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénové

Shows over 5,000 people allowed from mid-August: the Ministry shifts focus

Will the performing art world restart this summer? In a press release publish on August 4, new Minister for Culture Roselyne Bachelot says shows gathering over 5,000 people will be allowed by prefects from August 15, 2020, but on some health conditions. Since the release of the decree, the minister has shited focus on some points. Here is more about it.
Coronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnanceCoronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnanceCoronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnanceCoronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnance

Coronavirus: the price for surgical masks controlled until January 10, 2021

Surgical masks still cost 95 cents per piece, maximum, until January 10, 2021. A decree has extended the control of the price of masks and hand-sanitizer. This extension comes in as France has just exited health emergecny.
Course à pied et ramassage de déchets au Bois de Vincennes Course à pied et ramassage de déchets au Bois de Vincennes Course à pied et ramassage de déchets au Bois de Vincennes Course à pied et ramassage de déchets au Bois de Vincennes

Deconfinement: Bois de Vincennes and Bois de Boulogne woods reopen this May 11th

With containment exit, the Bois de Vincennes and Boulogne woods will welcome Parisians and Ile-de-France inhabitants again starting this May 11th, 2020.