End mask wearing mandatory

Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?

Covid: indoor facemask-wearing to be ditched from March 14 in France, excluding in transportation

Invited on TF1 television news, Jean Castex announced the end of compulsory facemask-wearing indoor from March 14, 2022. Yet, masks will be mandatory in transportation.
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Covid: Jean Castex announces the end of mandatory outdoor masks in Paris

With the Covid-19 vaccination campaign well underway, when will people be able to remove their masks outdoors? On Wednesday June 16, 2021, Jean Castex announced that it would no longer be compulsory to wear a mask outdoors from the following day, while the curfew will be lifted on Sunday June 20, 2021.