Escape game - activities

Escape game L'Abri : sauvez l'humanité d'un virus zombie dans le futur chez Crack The EggEscape game L'Abri : sauvez l'humanité d'un virus zombie dans le futur chez Crack The EggEscape game L'Abri : sauvez l'humanité d'un virus zombie dans le futur chez Crack The EggEscape game L'Abri : sauvez l'humanité d'un virus zombie dans le futur chez Crack The Egg

Escape game L'Abri: save humanity from a zombie virus in the future at Crack The Egg

Ready to save humanity from a zombie invasion in an escape game? Head to Crack the Egg to discover one of its creepy rooms, L'Abri. The adventure takes you to a laboratory in the year 2178, in an attempt to eradicate a virus.
Escape game : notre test du jeu d'évasion en mode X-Files, Le Portail, chez Secret JeegsEscape game : notre test du jeu d'évasion en mode X-Files, Le Portail, chez Secret JeegsEscape game : notre test du jeu d'évasion en mode X-Files, Le Portail, chez Secret JeegsEscape game : notre test du jeu d'évasion en mode X-Files, Le Portail, chez Secret Jeegs

Escape game Le Portail at Secret Jeegs: our test of the X-Files escape game

Fans of alien movies, we've found the perfect escape game for you! Head for Secret Jeegs, located in Draveil, Essonne, to discover Le Portail, one of our four escape rooms. This escape game immerses you in a laboratory, where you have to open a space portal and blow up an alien planet... We've tested it, and we'll tell you all about it!
Le Palais de l'Horreur, l'escape game terrifiant chez Deep InsideLe Palais de l'Horreur, l'escape game terrifiant chez Deep InsideLe Palais de l'Horreur, l'escape game terrifiant chez Deep InsideLe Palais de l'Horreur, l'escape game terrifiant chez Deep Inside

Le Palais de l'Horreur: Deep Inside's terrifying escape game

If you're a horror movie fan, you've come to the Palais de l'Horreur, the escape game from Deep Inside, in the 19th arrondissement, to scare the crap out of your friends! This no-under-16 venue is sure to traumatize many of you...
Le Tremblement de Terre, le nouvel escape game de chez The GameLe Tremblement de Terre, le nouvel escape game de chez The GameLe Tremblement de Terre, le nouvel escape game de chez The GameLe Tremblement de Terre, le nouvel escape game de chez The Game

Le Tremblement de Terre: the seismic escape game at The Game

Escape game fans, mark your calendars! The Game, an establishment of the genre located near the Pantheon, has been offering its most vibrant escape game, Le Tremblement de Terre, since January 14, 2020. A new room in a brand-new space on rue de la Harpe, in the heart of Saint-Michel.
"The Walking Dead : The Ones Who Live" : une nouvelle épopée de survie et d'amour sur Paramount+"The Walking Dead : The Ones Who Live" : une nouvelle épopée de survie et d'amour sur Paramount+"The Walking Dead : The Ones Who Live" : une nouvelle épopée de survie et d'amour sur Paramount+"The Walking Dead : The Ones Who Live" : une nouvelle épopée de survie et d'amour sur Paramount+

Walking Dead: the escape game inspired by the zombie series at Glorious Escape Game

Attention fans of The Walking Dead... Glorious Escape Game in Vélizy, France, invites you to discover one of its escape rooms inspired by the TV series. Entitled Walking Dead, this adventure transports you to a hospital room, where you wake up to discover that the world has been contaminated by a zombie virus. Ready to step into Rick Grimes' shoes?
La Pierre d'Anubis : l'escape game mystique dans l'Égypte ancienne chez Glorious Escape GameLa Pierre d'Anubis : l'escape game mystique dans l'Égypte ancienne chez Glorious Escape GameLa Pierre d'Anubis : l'escape game mystique dans l'Égypte ancienne chez Glorious Escape GameLa Pierre d'Anubis : l'escape game mystique dans l'Égypte ancienne chez Glorious Escape Game

La Pierre d'Anubis: the mystical escape game in ancient Egypt at Glorious Escape Game

Do you love ancient Egypt and its mysteries? Head to Glorious Escape Game, in Vélizy, to discover one of its most secret rooms, La Pierre d'Anubis. In this room, you'll have to protect the stone and return it to its rightful place, or risk seeing the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead disappear... Are you up to the challenge?
Visuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CoeurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CoeurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CoeurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré Coeur

Joueurz: a surprising escape game in Montmartre

Looking for an escape game near Montmartre? Head for Joueurz, in the 18th arrondissement, which offers two highly unusual adventures, Le Studio and La Croisière Infernale. Ready to solve some puzzles?
Le Studio : l'escape game musicale chez Joueurz, à MontmartreLe Studio : l'escape game musicale chez Joueurz, à MontmartreLe Studio : l'escape game musicale chez Joueurz, à MontmartreLe Studio : l'escape game musicale chez Joueurz, à Montmartre

Le Studio: the musical escape game at Joueurz, Montmartre

Discover Le Studio, an escape game located in the heart of Montmartre at Joueurz, promising a unique immersive experience based around music and studio recording. Get ready to plunge into a musical adventure where cooperation and creativity are the keys to success!
La Mission Spatiale, le nouvel escape game de chez The GameLa Mission Spatiale, le nouvel escape game de chez The GameLa Mission Spatiale, le nouvel escape game de chez The GameLa Mission Spatiale, le nouvel escape game de chez The Game

La Mission Spatiale: an interstellar escape game in Armageddon mode at The Game

The Game, an escape game near Jussieu, invites budding astronauts to discover a brand new room. Entitled The Space Mission, it plunges you into a disaster scenario worthy of the film Armageddon.
Escape game chez Gamescape : marchez dans les pas d'Arsène Lupin avec Gentleman CambrioleurEscape game chez Gamescape : marchez dans les pas d'Arsène Lupin avec Gentleman CambrioleurEscape game chez Gamescape : marchez dans les pas d'Arsène Lupin avec Gentleman CambrioleurEscape game chez Gamescape : marchez dans les pas d'Arsène Lupin avec Gentleman Cambrioleur

Escape game: our test of Gentleman Burglar, an escape game based on Arsène Lupin, from Gamescape

Attention Arsène Lupin fans! Head for Gamescape, an escape game in Paris's 11th arrondissement, to discover Gentleman Cambrioleur. An adventure that will lead you to attempt to burglarize the apartment of the ultimate burglar... Ready to try your luck? We've tested it, and we'll tell you all about it!
L'Examen, le nouvel escape game 2.0 signé Lock AcademyL'Examen, le nouvel escape game 2.0 signé Lock AcademyL'Examen, le nouvel escape game 2.0 signé Lock AcademyL'Examen, le nouvel escape game 2.0 signé Lock Academy

Escape game: our test of L'Examen, the 2.0 adventure by Lock Academy

La Lock Academy, a Parisian escape game in the center of Paris, is offering a brand new 2.0 adventure. Entitled L'Examen, it challenges you to outwit an Artificial Intelligence... The room is also available in English. We've tested it, and we'll tell you all about it!
The Live Thriller, le jeu d'enquête qui propose d’élucider un crime The Live Thriller, le jeu d'enquête qui propose d’élucider un crime The Live Thriller, le jeu d'enquête qui propose d’élucider un crime The Live Thriller, le jeu d'enquête qui propose d’élucider un crime

The Live Thriller, a life-size, immersive murder investigation game in Paris

Ever wanted to solve a murder like in the movies? That's what The Live Thriller is all about: a life-size team investigation in the heart of Paris's 18th arrondissement.
The One Escape, l'escape game insolite du 2e arrondissementThe One Escape, l'escape game insolite du 2e arrondissementThe One Escape, l'escape game insolite du 2e arrondissementThe One Escape, l'escape game insolite du 2e arrondissement

The One Escape: the unusual escape game in the 2nd arrondissement

Looking for an escape game out of the ordinary? Head for The One Escape, located in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, offering rooms each more unusual than the last... An overview of the experiences to be discovered at the establishment, which opened its doors for the very first time in June 2021.
Majestic Escape Game, le jeu d’évasion aux airs de cinéma Art DécoMajestic Escape Game, le jeu d’évasion aux airs de cinéma Art DécoMajestic Escape Game, le jeu d’évasion aux airs de cinéma Art DécoMajestic Escape Game, le jeu d’évasion aux airs de cinéma Art Déco

Majestic Escape Game: the immersive escape game inspired by cinema

Do you love movies and escape games? Majestic Escape Game has just what you're looking for, with three rooms worthy of the greatest films, set in a charming Art Deco cinema. A plunge into the past of the 7th art (and cartoons) just a stone's throw from Les Halles, in the capital's 1st arrondissement.
The Game, l’escape game immersif qui met en avant le travail d’équipeThe Game, l’escape game immersif qui met en avant le travail d’équipeThe Game, l’escape game immersif qui met en avant le travail d’équipeThe Game, l’escape game immersif qui met en avant le travail d’équipe

Escape Game Awards 2023: The Game, an immersive escape game just a stone's throw from Jussieu

Looking for a Team Building event? Celebrating your child's birthday? Want to strengthen your ties with your friends? That's what The Game, one of Paris's leading escape game operators, has to offer. A whole series of immersive rooms with a special emphasis on teamwork. And the icing on the cake: the establishment won the Best Brand Award at the Escape Game Awards 2023... A good reason to come and try out their rooms!
L'Affaire DXK, l'escape game politico-coquin de chez Wanderlust Escape gameL'Affaire DXK, l'escape game politico-coquin de chez Wanderlust Escape gameL'Affaire DXK, l'escape game politico-coquin de chez Wanderlust Escape gameL'Affaire DXK, l'escape game politico-coquin de chez Wanderlust Escape game

L'Academ'X: the naughty escape game from Wanderlust Escape game

How about a naughty escape game for lovers or friends in Paris? Head for Wanderlust escape game, a brand offering one of the most curious rooms in the world, set against a backdrop of deception and dungeons: L'Academ'X. An original and unusual dive into the heart of a swingers' club, where you'll have to erase all traces of an unfaithful husband!
Le Labo des Lutins, l'escape game pour les enfants chez GG Escape GameLe Labo des Lutins, l'escape game pour les enfants chez GG Escape GameLe Labo des Lutins, l'escape game pour les enfants chez GG Escape GameLe Labo des Lutins, l'escape game pour les enfants chez GG Escape Game

Escape game Le Labo des Lutins: adventure for kids at GG Escape Game

Want to take your kids into the world of escape games? Head for GG Escape Game, which offers Le Labo des Lutins, its latest room designed exclusively for youngsters.
Escape game : sauvez la Terre d'une invasion extraterrestre chez Secret Jeegs à Draveil, en EssonneEscape game : sauvez la Terre d'une invasion extraterrestre chez Secret Jeegs à Draveil, en EssonneEscape game : sauvez la Terre d'une invasion extraterrestre chez Secret Jeegs à Draveil, en EssonneEscape game : sauvez la Terre d'une invasion extraterrestre chez Secret Jeegs à Draveil, en Essonne

Escape game Secret Jeegs in Draveil: the ultimate escape game to save the Earth in Essonne

Want to have fun and save the world? Head for Secret Jeegs, an escape game located in Draveil, Essonne. With its different rooms, thrilling puzzles and futuristic settings, Secret Jeegs promises an unforgettable experience for escape game fans!
Pas de réouverture en vue pour les escape gamePas de réouverture en vue pour les escape gamePas de réouverture en vue pour les escape gamePas de réouverture en vue pour les escape game

Escape Game Awards 2023: discover the winners

On the occasion of the Salon de l'Escape Game, which took place on September 11, 2023 in Lyon, the Escape Game Awards ceremony was also held, rewarding the best rooms from all over the country. Who were the big winners? Let's find out together!
Hallucinations chimiques chez le Dr. Grant, l'escape game renversant chez The One EscapeHallucinations chimiques chez le Dr. Grant, l'escape game renversant chez The One EscapeHallucinations chimiques chez le Dr. Grant, l'escape game renversant chez The One EscapeHallucinations chimiques chez le Dr. Grant, l'escape game renversant chez The One Escape

Chemical Hallucinations, our test of The One Escape's stunning escape game

Ready to discover a stunning escape game? Head to The One Escape to discover a new kind of room, Chemical Hallucinations at Dr. Grant's. A most unusual adventure, since it takes place in a universe that's... totally inverted!