Espace dali

Miró, l'exposition événement au Grand PalaisMiró, l'exposition événement au Grand PalaisMiró, l'exposition événement au Grand PalaisMiró, l'exposition événement au Grand Palais

Museums and monuments closed in Paris this December 15, 2018

Some museums in Paris are closing this Saturday December 15, 2018 – for safety reasons. So, before you go out to enjoy beautiful art collections and temporary exhibitions in Paris, check if the museum you want to visit is closed or open!
Nouvel Espace DaliNouvel Espace DaliNouvel Espace DaliNouvel Espace Dali

Espace Dali Paris in Montmartre

Based in Montmartre, the Espace Dali Paris has been home to the largest private collection of works by Salvador Dali for 25 years. After 4 months of closure for works, the Espace Dali is once again visible since April 13, 2018 with a new itinerary, a new proposal that will reinvigorate the museum.