
Covid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virusCovid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virusCovid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virusCovid : Pfizer dévoile son premier traitement oral contre le virus

Covid: Pfizer's Covid drug Paxlovid available in pharmacies from Friday

After being granted marketing approval from the European Medicines Agency, Pfizer's Covid drug Paxlovid - 89% effective against hospitalizations and deaths caused by coronavirus - will be available from Friday February 4, 2022, in pharmacies.
Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés"Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés"Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés"Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés"

Coronavirus: the Haute Autorité de Santé does not approve emergency marketing of molnupiravir

The Haute Autorité de Santé announced - in a report issued on December 10 - they do not approve the emergency use of molnupiravir (Lafevrio) to prevent coronavirus infection. The issue goes against what the European Medicines Agency announced this past November 19, namely approving the emergency use of the drug in case of emergency.
Covid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccin

Johnson & Johnson vaccine: “Increased risk” of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, the FDA says

Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine – a risky for one’s health? This is what the FDA – Food Drug & Administration – states, saying the injection could lead to an “increased risk” of developing rare neurological disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome. In all 100 cases have been reported in the 12.5 million doses given including 95 severe cases.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid: EMA allows stocking Pfizer vaccine in standard refrigerators

This Friday March 26, the European Medicines Agency announced Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine can be stored at higher temperatures than recommended so far, for two weeks, making storage easier. An authorization following recommendations issued in mid-February by the American laboratory in terms of storage.
Covid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDA

Covid: Eli Lilly antibody therapy said to reduce hospitalization risks, a study finds

As the race for Covid vaccines and therapies is speeding up all over the world, drugmaker Eli Lilly announced this Wednesday March 10 their antibody therapy mixing Bamlanivimab and Etsesevimab is said to reduced by 87% hospitalization and death risk in the event of severe infection. A combined therapy that received emergency use authorization back to late February from the Food & Drug Administration.
Covid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDA

Covid: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to be safe and risk-free, the FDA says

Is Pfizer covid vaccine safe? This is what show the results from safety data on the product developed by the laboratory in partnership with BioNTech, and unveiled by the FDA – Food & Drug Administration.