Felines - activities

chat forestierchat forestierchat forestierchat forestier

Biodiversity: what is this wild feline back in the forests of Ile-de-France?

Don't panic, lynxes haven't arrived in the Paris region! It's a much less impressive little feline that's making a comeback: the forest cat, which bears a striking resemblance to our little fur balls.
La Ménagerie du jardin des PlantesLa Ménagerie du jardin des PlantesLa Ménagerie du jardin des PlantesLa Ménagerie du jardin des Plantes

Unusual: witness the feeding of the felines at the Jardin des Plantes Menagerie

On certain days of the week, the Jardin des Plantes Menagerie invites you to take part in an exceptional experience in the fauverie, in the heart of the Jardin des Plantes Menagerie, by attending a feline meal.
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Aristide, a comfortable hotel for cats in Paris

Paris definitely loves cats, and proves it. Aristide is the first "all-comfort" hotel for our four-legged friends. Since 2013, it has welcomed its guests in a beautiful space!