Fine particles - activities

circulation - bison futé - bouchoncirculation - bison futé - bouchoncirculation - bison futé - bouchoncirculation - bison futé - bouchon

Fine particle pollution: an episode expected this Friday, January 19 in Paris and the Île-de-France region

With current weather conditions hampering the dispersion of pollutants from road traffic and domestic heating, particulate concentrations are expected to rise this Friday, January 19, in Paris and parts of the Ile-de-France region. In places, these levels may exceed the alert threshold.
Météo : la nouvelle tempête de sable visible à Paris, alerte à la pollution lancéeMétéo : la nouvelle tempête de sable visible à Paris, alerte à la pollution lancéeMétéo : la nouvelle tempête de sable visible à Paris, alerte à la pollution lancéeMétéo : la nouvelle tempête de sable visible à Paris, alerte à la pollution lancée

Covid: Does pollution boost the spread of coronavirus?

Could Covid-19 spread more in the event of local air pollution? This is the hypothesis raised by several researchers trying to determine the part of fine particles in the spread and transmission of the virus. Let us explain.
Visuel Paris Tour Eiffel Quai de SeinVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Quai de SeinVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Quai de SeinVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Quai de Sein

Paris is the European metropolis experiencing the most brutal increase of the pollution

A study by the Research Center on the Energy and the Air Quality reveals the increase of the pollution in Paris is the harshest among the European metropolises.