Fnac bercy village

Visuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-Emilion

Barbara Pravi in a free showcase in Paris

To celebrate the release of her new album "La Pieva", Barbara Pravi will be performing an exclusive free showcase this weekend in Paris. Catch the singer, author of the classic "Voilà", live at Fnac Bercy Village this Saturday, September 7, 2024.
Visuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-Emilion

Amir in exclusive free showcase in Paris

To celebrate the release of his new album C amir, Amir will be giving a free showcase at Fnac Bercy Village on Wednesday 18 September 2024 at 6pm. After a four-year absence, he returns with a more personal project, enhanced by his new single Sommet.
Ghost en rencontre et dédicace à la Fnac Bercy Village à Paris Ghost en rencontre et dédicace à la Fnac Bercy Village à Paris Ghost en rencontre et dédicace à la Fnac Bercy Village à Paris Ghost en rencontre et dédicace à la Fnac Bercy Village à Paris

Ghost Meet and Greet at Paris Bercy Village Fnac

Here’s an event that will gather a lot of people! Swedish metal band Ghost will take over Bercy Village Fnac on Wednesday June 6, 2018 for an exclusive and free meet and greet with fans who will – on the occasion – come to have Cardinal Copia and friends’ latest album “Préquelle” signed.