Fortnite season 5

Fortnite Chapitre 2 Remix : map, skins, season pass... Tout savoir sur la nouvelle saisonFortnite Chapitre 2 Remix : map, skins, season pass... Tout savoir sur la nouvelle saisonFortnite Chapitre 2 Remix : map, skins, season pass... Tout savoir sur la nouvelle saisonFortnite Chapitre 2 Remix : map, skins, season pass... Tout savoir sur la nouvelle saison

Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix: map, skins, season pass... Everything you need to know about the new season

New season on Fortnite! Epic Games' Battle Royale launches "Remix", its nostalgic season around Chapter 2, from November 2, 2024. A reinvention of the well-known island, with new musical icons and special events. Among the skins to pick up are Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Ice Spice and Juice WRLD. We tell you all about it!
Fortnite OG : découvrez la bande-annonce du chapitre 4 saison 5Fortnite OG : découvrez la bande-annonce du chapitre 4 saison 5Fortnite OG : découvrez la bande-annonce du chapitre 4 saison 5Fortnite OG : découvrez la bande-annonce du chapitre 4 saison 5

Fortnite OG: discover the chapter 4 season 5 trailer

Fortnite unveiled the very first trailer for its new season, Fortnite OG, this November 3, 2023 at 8am sharp. Season 5 features the very first map of the game, in 2018, with the return of Chapter 1 in its entirety. Ready to go back in time, folks?
Fortnite saison 5 : passe de combat, map... le point sur les nouveautésFortnite saison 5 : passe de combat, map... le point sur les nouveautésFortnite saison 5 : passe de combat, map... le point sur les nouveautésFortnite saison 5 : passe de combat, map... le point sur les nouveautés

Fortnite season 5: combat pass, map ... the update on the new features

While the Galactus event has just ended, putting an end to a season 4 of Fortnite rich in twists and turns (and superheroes), here is that the season 5 starts with a bang this Wednesday, December 2, from 10am, with many new features. Fighting pass, new map, new weapons... Let's make the point!