French police - activities

Jean TexierJean TexierJean TexierJean Texier

Ephemeris of October 17: The massacre of Algerians thrown into the Seine

On October 17, 1961, a peaceful demonstration organized by the Front de Libération Nationale in support of Algerian independence was put down in bloodshed. In one night, between 30 and 250 Algerians were killed and thrown into the Seine.
Police : la technique de l'étranglement bientôt interdite Police : la technique de l'étranglement bientôt interdite Police : la technique de l'étranglement bientôt interdite Police : la technique de l'étranglement bientôt interdite

Police - the strangulation method officially dropped: three more arrest methods

After causing a polemic among police officers' arrest methods, strangulation method is officially dropped for three alternative methods.