Games expected guide - activities


Fable on Xbox Series: an unhoped-for rebirth for the best-selling franchise - trailer

You've been waiting for it for years: Fable is finally showing its face. The action-RPG series is expanding with a new title scheduled for 2025 on Xbox Series. Here's the trailer.
Little Nightmares III Little Nightmares III Little Nightmares III Little Nightmares III

Little Nightmares III: Bandai game pushed back to 2025

Will the nightmare soon come to an end? Find out as you venture into the Nowhere, the new world of Little Nightmares III, revealed in a trailer. Scheduled for release in 2025.
Mario Donkey KongMario Donkey KongMario Donkey KongMario Donkey Kong

Mario vs Donkey Kong: our review of the Nintendo Switch remake of the game of the same name

A new chapter opens in this epic conflict: Mario and Donkey Kong clash once again in an ultra-entertaining game on Nintendo Switch. Now available on February 16, 2024. We've tested it and told you all about it!