Gérald darmanin

Rock en Seine 2022Rock en Seine 2022Rock en Seine 2022Rock en Seine 2022

Paris 2024: festivals likely to be cancelled over the Olympics?

Could several major summer 2024 cultural events – such as music festivals – be cancelled or postponed over the Paris Summer Olympic Games? Because of the huge rallying of security staff required for smooth Olympics and Paralympics, the issue was raised this past October 25, by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.
Diners clandestins à Paris : une enquête ouverte par Darmanin, chasse à l'homme lancée sur TwitterDiners clandestins à Paris : une enquête ouverte par Darmanin, chasse à l'homme lancée sur TwitterDiners clandestins à Paris : une enquête ouverte par Darmanin, chasse à l'homme lancée sur TwitterDiners clandestins à Paris : une enquête ouverte par Darmanin, chasse à l'homme lancée sur Twitter

Clandestine dinners in Paris: M6 confirms there was "at least one member of the government"

After M6 TV channel broadcasted a story about clandestine dinners in Paris and indiscretion about ministers attending them, pressure has risen on social networks, especially on Twitter. With the hashtag #Onveutlesnoms - #Wewantthenames – anonymous people are looking for people who attended these private dinners for €200 per guest, as all restaurants have been closed since October 28, 2020. The day after the polemic, the Secretary of the Interior denounces rumors and claims no minister attended these illegal dinners. M6 Société des Journalistes - Journalist Society - has issued a statement to advocate for their news and sources that are reliable.
Visuel Paris quai de seineVisuel Paris quai de seineVisuel Paris quai de seineVisuel Paris quai de seine

Covid: gatherings over six people outdoors will be “fined”

As the government has unveiled a new communication campaign slogan “Dedans avec les miens, dehors en citoyen” (that could be translated into “Inside with my own, outside as a citizen”), Secretary of the Interior Gérald Darmanin demands prefects gatherings over six people outdoors to be “strictly fined” in the 16 departments subject to “curbing measures”, as well as anywhere else in the country.
Reconfinement et lieux de culte : les évêques demandent à Macron de maintenir l'exercice du culteReconfinement et lieux de culte : les évêques demandent à Macron de maintenir l'exercice du culteReconfinement et lieux de culte : les évêques demandent à Macron de maintenir l'exercice du culteReconfinement et lieux de culte : les évêques demandent à Macron de maintenir l'exercice du culte

Holidays: Darmanin asks Prefects to reinforce the security of places of worship

As the French are about to celebrate the Holidays in a never-before-seen context, Secretary of the Interior Gérald Darmanin has asked prefects to “significantly reinforce” security around places of worship or offices on Thursday December 24 and Friday 25, 2020.
Manifestation contre la loi de sécurité globale : les policiers sortent les canons à eau Manifestation contre la loi de sécurité globale : les policiers sortent les canons à eau Manifestation contre la loi de sécurité globale : les policiers sortent les canons à eau Manifestation contre la loi de sécurité globale : les policiers sortent les canons à eau

Global Security Law: the European Commission insists on the importance of press freedom

As in France MEPs have voted for the “Global Security” law, punishing disseminating images of law enforcement officials, the European Commission reminded that journalists should be able to “do their work freely and in complete safety”.
L'Union Européenne pourrait garder ses frontières fermées aux Américains après le 1er juilletL'Union Européenne pourrait garder ses frontières fermées aux Américains après le 1er juilletL'Union Européenne pourrait garder ses frontières fermées aux Américains après le 1er juilletL'Union Européenne pourrait garder ses frontières fermées aux Américains après le 1er juillet

Emmanuel Macron to increase border control

Faced with the terror threat and illegal immigration, Emmanuel Macron announced increased border controls. And the number of France’s police officers will double up, moving from 2,400 police officers to 4,800 of them.
Les Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurant

Restaurants to fully reopen on June 15 in Paris and Île-de-France

Restaurants, cafés and bars reopened this past Tuesday June 2 in all departments, but have only reopened their terraces in orange areas. In his new address on June 14, French President Emmanuel Macron let the people know that "the entire territory", excluding Mayotte and French Guiana, will be green starting tomorrow. Consequently, restaurants and cafés in Paris and Ile-de-France can reopen from Monday June 15, 2020.