History paris

Visuel Paris place d ela ConcordeVisuel Paris place d ela ConcordeVisuel Paris place d ela ConcordeVisuel Paris place d ela Concorde

The Obelisk, Paris oldest monument, to be restored for six months

The oldest monument in Paris, the Luxor Obelisk, aka the Obélisque de la Concorde, will be restore this year on the occasion of the bicentenary of the deciphering of the hieroglyphs by Champollion. At 3,300 years old, the Obelisk definitely needs a lift!
Éphéméride : Ça s'est passé un 9 aout à ParisÉphéméride : Ça s'est passé un 9 aout à ParisÉphéméride : Ça s'est passé un 9 aout à ParisÉphéméride : Ça s'est passé un 9 aout à Paris

August 9 ephemeris: The last shell fired by Big Bertha on Paris

On August 9, 1918, the Big Bertha fired a final shell at Paris, bringing to an end 4 months of incessant bombardment of the capital. A veritable weapon of psychological warfare, this German army artillery piece had a range of 128km, a record for the time.
Visuel Paris jardin du luxembourgVisuel Paris jardin du luxembourgVisuel Paris jardin du luxembourgVisuel Paris jardin du luxembourg

The Luxembourg Gardens, a unique place in Paris

Did you know? The Luxembourg Gardens are not like other places: police officers from the Prefecture are not allowed to intervene as they wish. We explain how this curious exception came about.
Histoire de la Synagogue des Tournelles Histoire de la Synagogue des Tournelles Histoire de la Synagogue des Tournelles Histoire de la Synagogue des Tournelles

History of the Tournelles Synagogue

The Synagogue des Tournelles has a rather astonishing architectural feature. Originally, a certain Gustave Eiffel...
Histoire de la Synagogue NazarethHistoire de la Synagogue NazarethHistoire de la Synagogue NazarethHistoire de la Synagogue Nazareth

History of the Nazareth Synagogue

Built during the Second Empire, the Nazareth Synagogue is well worth a stop to discover its beautiful architecture.
Histoire de la Synagogue de la Rue Pavée - Agoudas HakehilosHistoire de la Synagogue de la Rue Pavée - Agoudas HakehilosHistoire de la Synagogue de la Rue Pavée - Agoudas HakehilosHistoire de la Synagogue de la Rue Pavée - Agoudas Hakehilos

History of the Rue Pavée Synagogue - Agoudas Hakehilos

The Synagogue de la Rue Pavée is intriguing. It's impossible to pass by without noticing the undulations of its Art Nouveau façade.
Histoire de la Synagogue Buffault Histoire de la Synagogue Buffault Histoire de la Synagogue Buffault Histoire de la Synagogue Buffault

History of the Buffault Synagogue

In the 9th arrondissement, nestle a beautiful synagogue in the Romanesque-Byzantine style: the Synagogue Buffault.
Histoire du Pont de l'AlmaHistoire du Pont de l'AlmaHistoire du Pont de l'AlmaHistoire du Pont de l'Alma

History of the Pont de l'Alma

Sadly famous since 1997 and the death of Princess Diana, the Pont de l'Alma nevertheless offers a fine view of the Eiffel Tower, and an amazing way to gauge the rising waters during major floods on the Seine.
Histoire du Pont d'IenaHistoire du Pont d'IenaHistoire du Pont d'IenaHistoire du Pont d'Iena

History of the Iena Bridge

Did you know that the Iena Bridge was almost destroyed by a vengeful Prussian general?
Histoire du Pont Notre-DameHistoire du Pont Notre-DameHistoire du Pont Notre-DameHistoire du Pont Notre-Dame

History of the Pont Notre-Dame

The Pont Notre-Dame has undergone many architectural changes. At the end of the 18th century, the bridge was considered so dangerous that it was renamed Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge)!
Histoire du Pont Royal Histoire du Pont Royal Histoire du Pont Royal Histoire du Pont Royal

History of the Pont Royal

Floods, fire... Many problems had to be overcome to build the Pont Royal, the third oldest bridge in Paris!
Histoire du Pont de la Concorde Histoire du Pont de la Concorde Histoire du Pont de la Concorde Histoire du Pont de la Concorde

History of the Concorde Bridge

Did you know that the Pont de la Concorde was built using ashlar from the ruins of the Bastille Prison? To find out more about this famous Parisian bridge, click here!
Histoire de la Grande Synagogue de ParisHistoire de la Grande Synagogue de ParisHistoire de la Grande Synagogue de ParisHistoire de la Grande Synagogue de Paris

History of the Grande Synagogue de Paris

Fancy a visit to the largest synagogue in Paris? Head for the Synagogue de la Victoire, built during the Second Empire.
Histoire de l'Hôtel de Ville de ParisHistoire de l'Hôtel de Ville de ParisHistoire de l'Hôtel de Ville de ParisHistoire de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris

History of Paris City Hall

The Hôtel de Ville is one of the symbols of Paris, and an essential part of your visit. But if you're not lucky enough to get in during the Heritage Days, or if you haven't thought of booking your guided tour in advance, discover its eventful history here.
Histoire de la Place des Victoires Histoire de la Place des Victoires Histoire de la Place des Victoires Histoire de la Place des Victoires

History of Place des Victoires

Place des Victoires is one of the four royal squares in Paris. Dedicated to the military victories of Louis XIV, this square on the borders of the 1st and 2nd arrondissements is a symbol of the Sun King's power. Here's a look back at the history of this legendary square!
Histoire de la Place de la ConcordeHistoire de la Place de la ConcordeHistoire de la Place de la ConcordeHistoire de la Place de la Concorde

History of the Place de la Concorde

The Place de la Concorde is the capital's largest square. It was here, at the start of the Champs-Elysées, that Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were guillotined. Today, it is one of the most famous squares in Paris, and its famous golden-tipped obelisk still dominates the city.
Histoire de la Place de la NationHistoire de la Place de la NationHistoire de la Place de la NationHistoire de la Place de la Nation

History of the Place de la Nation

Originally erected in honor of the marriage of Louis XIV and Marie-Thérèse of Austria, the Place de la Nation became the site of countless public executions under the guillotine during the French Revolution. In 2019, the Place de la Nation will take on yet another new look, with a plan by Paris City Hall to green the entire square and reduce car traffic.
Histoire de la Place de la RépubliqueHistoire de la Place de la RépubliqueHistoire de la Place de la RépubliqueHistoire de la Place de la République

History of Place de la République

The Place de la République underwent many architectural and artistic changes before taking on the appearance you know today. Here's a look back at the history of this great historic square.
Histoire de la Place de la BastilleHistoire de la Place de la BastilleHistoire de la Place de la BastilleHistoire de la Place de la Bastille

History of the Place de la Bastille

A symbol of the French Revolution, the Place de la Bastille has had an eventful history. It was here that the famous Bastille Prison stood, destroyed stone by stone during the Revolution. At its center, the beautiful Colonne de Juillet and its golden Génie de la Liberté can be seen from a great distance.
L'Histoire Silencieuse des Sourds, l'exposition au PanthéonL'Histoire Silencieuse des Sourds, l'exposition au PanthéonL'Histoire Silencieuse des Sourds, l'exposition au PanthéonL'Histoire Silencieuse des Sourds, l'exposition au Panthéon

Paris Panthéon free on July 14, 2020 for Bastille Day

Monument devoted to the great Men of the French Republic, the Panthéon will be free of charge this Tuesday July 14, 2020. Make the best of French National Day, or Bastille day to pay homage to Simone Veil, Marie Curie, Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, and the 78 famous people buried there and visit the magnificent church designed by Jacques Germain Soufflot.