
Visuel Paris 1er - jardin des Tuileries automne Visuel Paris 1er - jardin des Tuileries automne Visuel Paris 1er - jardin des Tuileries automne Visuel Paris 1er - jardin des Tuileries automne

How many Parisians were actually born in the capital? Find out how many

While the capital's inhabitants may pride themselves on being Parisians, the vast majority of them were not born in Paris, and the latter are becoming increasingly rare, according to a study by Insee.

Inflation: ranking of départements by food prices in Paris Region

While inflation recedes slightly, food prices continue to climb, reaching +13.4% in July 2023 ... The price index by department, compiled by France Info and NielsenIQ, paints a picture of a complex and varied economic reality across the country. Notable disparities are already visible in the Île-de-France region, where the cost of food is the highest, with Paris leading the way. So, where does your département rank among the most and least expensive in Île-de-France?
Coronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avrilCoronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avrilCoronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avrilCoronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avril

Coronavirus: mortality increased by 50% between late March and April in Europe

According to the Insee (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), a 50% more excessive death rate in Europe because of coronavirus has been noticed between late March and early April 2020. Among the countries the most hit: France, Spain, Belgium and Italy.
Coronavirus : la dette publique atteint les 101,2% du PIB fin marsCoronavirus : la dette publique atteint les 101,2% du PIB fin marsCoronavirus : la dette publique atteint les 101,2% du PIB fin marsCoronavirus : la dette publique atteint les 101,2% du PIB fin mars

Coronavirus: in late March, the public debt reached 101.2% of the GDP

We were expecting it, but the crisis costs a lot: measures to support companies launched in the midst of the coronavirus crisis highly weigh down the French public debt. In late March, the Insee records the amount of the debt to 2,438.5 billion euros, which is 101.2% of the French GDP. It increased by 3.1 points in comparison with December 2019.