Jogging paris

The most beautiful locations for a run in Paris

If you like running, here are a few locations in Paris enabling you to run a few miles in peace and in great places to enjoy the beauty of at the same time!
Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ?

Lockdown in Paris and Île-de-France: sport and walks limited to 10km, excluding time restriction

This is offician, Paris and Île-de-France are placed in 24/7 lockdown for four weeks, statring this Saturday March 20, é021. This new lockdown sees things change as for walks, runs, and workouts. As a matter of fact, trips outside, without leaving your region, can be completed within a 10-km perimeter, but subject to a derogatory trip certificate.