Johnson johnson

Covid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembreCovid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembreCovid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembreCovid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembre

Covid: Do first Janssen-vaccinees need a third dose?

Janssen vaccine was distinguishing itself because it only requires one jab, enough to be protected against Covid-19. The health authorities decided a second dose was necessary at least four weeks after the first one. Is a third dose needed like for the other jabs? Keep reading to find out more.
Cas contact lorsque l'on est totalement vacciné, doit-on tout de même s'isoler ?Cas contact lorsque l'on est totalement vacciné, doit-on tout de même s'isoler ?Cas contact lorsque l'on est totalement vacciné, doit-on tout de même s'isoler ?Cas contact lorsque l'on est totalement vacciné, doit-on tout de même s'isoler ?

Vaccinees no longer considered as contact cases, according to Jean Castex

As vaccination has opened to all since May 2021, more and more French are fully vaccinated! But should vaccines still have to self-isolate if they have been in contact with someone infected with Covid-19? Not anymore, according to Prime Minister Jean Castex who announced this Wednesday July 21 self-isolation was no longer compulsory. Olivier Véran is to tell more on the matter in the afternoon.
Pass Sanitaire : des attestations de vaccination électroniques pour lutter contre les fraudesPass Sanitaire : des attestations de vaccination électroniques pour lutter contre les fraudesPass Sanitaire : des attestations de vaccination électroniques pour lutter contre les fraudesPass Sanitaire : des attestations de vaccination électroniques pour lutter contre les fraudes

Vaccination: has France enough doses to meet the high demand of these past days?

Over two million appointments made in one week: Emmanuel Macron’s announcements made this past July 12 led to a large appointment demand in vaccination centers. But has France enough doses to immunize everyone?
Covid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccinCovid : le laboratoire Merck abandonne les essais sur son candidat vaccin

Johnson & Johnson vaccine: “Increased risk” of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, the FDA says

Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine – a risky for one’s health? This is what the FDA – Food Drug & Administration – states, saying the injection could lead to an “increased risk” of developing rare neurological disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome. In all 100 cases have been reported in the 12.5 million doses given including 95 severe cases.
Covid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-Unis

Johnson & Johnson vaccine to be given starting late April in France

During the press brief held this Thursday April 22, Health Minister Olivier Véran announced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will start to be given starting this Saturday April 24 in pharmacies. The vaccine arrives after being assessed safe on Tuesday April 20 by the European Medicines Agency.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid vaccine: answers to questions you may have

As Covid vaccination is growing in France, many of you are wondering about the vaccines and how such an action is useful to curb the spread of the virus. Questions the editorial board tries to answer to.
Covid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étudeCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étudeCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étudeCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étude

Johnson & Johnson vaccine still halted by the FDA in the USA

This Thursday April 15, 2021, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has announced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was still halted - as decided two days ago - for another week in the USA after suspicious cases of thrombosis in vaccinated people have been reported. Yet, the vaccine enjoyed emergency use approval by the regulator this past February 27.
Coronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai cliniqueCoronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai cliniqueCoronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai cliniqueCoronavirus : le vaccin allemand de chez CureVac désormais en deuxième phase d'essai clinique

Covid: Janssen vaccine to arrive in May, with one month delay

The Health Minister has announced Janssen Covid vaccine – aka Johnson & Johnson subsidiary – will arrive in France later than expected, in May 2021 instead of April. A vaccine still waiting to be approved by the European Medicines Agency.
Covid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony FauciCovid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony FauciCovid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony FauciCovid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony Fauci

Covid: Johnson & Johnson vaccine 66% effective the laboratory says

Good news in the search against Covid! Johnson & Johnson announced this Friday January 29 in a release that their vaccine against coronavirus was overall 66% effective, and between 85% and 100% in preventing severe disease 28 and 49 days after the injection.