Kazakhstan - activities

Kazakhstan, les trésors de la grande steppe au musée Guimet, nos photos - IMG 6617Kazakhstan, les trésors de la grande steppe au musée Guimet, nos photos - IMG 6617Kazakhstan, les trésors de la grande steppe au musée Guimet, nos photos - IMG 6617Kazakhstan, les trésors de la grande steppe au musée Guimet, nos photos - IMG 6617

Kazakhstan, treasures of the great steppe: an experience to see at the Musée Guimet, our photos

The rich cultural history of Kazakhstan is revealed in Paris! Thanks to exceptional loans from several major Kazakh museums, the Musée Guimet is exhibiting five treasures retracing five great moments in Kazakh culture, from the third millennium BC to the 18th century. From November 6, 2024 to March 24, 2025, discover "Kazakhstan, Treasures of the Great Steppe", a unique visitor experience.
Kazakhstan drapeauKazakhstan drapeauKazakhstan drapeauKazakhstan drapeau

Paris 2024 Olympics: Kazakhstan's medals at the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games

Wondering how many medals were won by Kazakhstan, at the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games? Find out here by tracking the gold, silver and bronze medals won by Kazakhstan and its athletes.