Lithotherapy - activities

Centre Element - IMG 7960Centre Element - IMG 7960Centre Element - IMG 7960Centre Element - IMG 7960

Between meditation and lithotherapy, discover the crystal bed at the Centre Élément

In a warm, luminous space, enjoy a holistic wellness session featuring yoga, a crystal bed or a sound bath, and immerse yourself in a rejuvenating universe right in the heart of the Marais.
Spa Gemology - IMG 7931Spa Gemology - IMG 7931Spa Gemology - IMG 7931Spa Gemology - IMG 7931

Spa Gemology: treatments and massages based on the benefits of minerals for the skin

Discover the benefits of minerals and trace elements from precious stones, with face and body treatments that give you a new youthfulness, just a stone's throw from the Arc de Triomphe.
La CornalineLa CornalineLa CornalineLa Cornaline

La Cornaline, esoteric bookshop and boutique for lithotherapy and personal development

Right next to the Sainte Trinité church, lovers of lithotherapy and personal development can find what they're looking for in the heart of the esoteric boutique "La Cornaline", which regularly hosts author signings and conferences.
Le Monde Des Enchanteresses : des cosmétiques & bougies avec des pierres de lithothérapie Le Monde Des Enchanteresses : des cosmétiques & bougies avec des pierres de lithothérapie Le Monde Des Enchanteresses : des cosmétiques & bougies avec des pierres de lithothérapie Le Monde Des Enchanteresses : des cosmétiques & bougies avec des pierres de lithothérapie

Le monde Des Enchanteresses: cosmetics & candles with lithotherapy stones

Dive into the world of lithotherapy with Les Enchanteresses! Bérangère and Chaïneze, two people with a passion for spirituality and well-being, offer you a whole range of cosmetics and plant-based candles using semi-precious stones!
Beauté & Bien-être : La Wellness Galerie des Galeries Lafayette ouvrira début septembre 2022Beauté & Bien-être : La Wellness Galerie des Galeries Lafayette ouvrira début septembre 2022Beauté & Bien-être : La Wellness Galerie des Galeries Lafayette ouvrira début septembre 2022Beauté & Bien-être : La Wellness Galerie des Galeries Lafayette ouvrira début septembre 2022

Beauty & Wellness: Galeries Lafayette’s Wellness Galerie – a place devoted to In & Out beauty

Galeries Lafayette Haussmann’s Wellness Galerie is a dream place to grow your inner and outer wellness and find physiological, energetical and emotional balance. The department store is willing to revolutionize the art of beauty and holistic care with this new place of life devoted to sport and relaxation, manual therapies and the broadest definition of wellness.

Cristaux et Couleurs: a store for magical remedies

Before visiting Cristaux et Couleurs, we knew absolutely nothing about lithotherapy and its virtues. Discover a space dedicated to the vibratory frequency of stones and minerals, these powerful allies for well-being and personal fulfillment!