Olympic day - activities

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Olympic Day 2023: an open-air dance show featuring breaking and hip-hop

For Olympic Day on June 23, 2023, the Mouffetard is teaming up with La Canopée media library to highlight the values of sport and Olympism, with a free open-air show!
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World Olympic Collectors' Fair and exhibition at the Stade Charléty

For the World Olympic Day, the Stade Charléty will host from June 23 to 25, 2023 the 27th World Fair of Olympic Collectors, as well as an exhibition on the Olympic history, before the Paris 2024 Games.
Journée Olympique 2021 : une course à pied de 2024 mètres en plein ParisJournée Olympique 2021 : une course à pied de 2024 mètres en plein ParisJournée Olympique 2021 : une course à pied de 2024 mètres en plein ParisJournée Olympique 2021 : une course à pied de 2024 mètres en plein Paris

Olympic Day 2021: Run a 2024-m race in Paris

Paris holds its Olympic Day on Wednesday June 23, 2021. All day long, sports will be given pride of place throughout the French capital with free animations to prepare to 2024 Paris Summer Olympics. A 2024-meter race is held between the Pont d'Iéna and the Temporary Grand Palais.