Outdoor sport - activities

Les plus beaux endroits pour courir à ParisLes plus beaux endroits pour courir à ParisLes plus beaux endroits pour courir à ParisLes plus beaux endroits pour courir à Paris

The most beautiful locations for a run in Paris

If you like running, here are a few locations in Paris enabling you to run a few miles in peace and in great places to enjoy the beauty of at the same time!
Visuel Paris quai de seineVisuel Paris quai de seineVisuel Paris quai de seineVisuel Paris quai de seine

Covid: gatherings over six people outdoors will be “fined”

As the government has unveiled a new communication campaign slogan “Dedans avec les miens, dehors en citoyen” (that could be translated into “Inside with my own, outside as a citizen”), Secretary of the Interior Gérald Darmanin demands prefects gatherings over six people outdoors to be “strictly fined” in the 16 departments subject to “curbing measures”, as well as anywhere else in the country.