Painter - activities

La terrasse sur la Tour Eiffel 2024 en mode JO Paris 2024 - les photos  -  A7C8765La terrasse sur la Tour Eiffel 2024 en mode JO Paris 2024 - les photos  -  A7C8765La terrasse sur la Tour Eiffel 2024 en mode JO Paris 2024 - les photos  -  A7C8765La terrasse sur la Tour Eiffel 2024 en mode JO Paris 2024 - les photos  -  A7C8765

Olympic Games: discover the Olympic painter who immortalizes the beach volleyball events

Art at the heart of the Olympic Games... British artist Peter Spens has been commissioned by the International Volleyball Federation to immortalize the beach volleyball events at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Installed at the top of the stands at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, he captures with his brushes the energy and beauty of this exceptional sporting event.
Georges Hugo, l'art d’être petit-fils  - IMG 6517Georges Hugo, l'art d’être petit-fils  - IMG 6517Georges Hugo, l'art d’être petit-fils  - IMG 6517Georges Hugo, l'art d’être petit-fils  - IMG 6517

Georges Hugo, the art of being a grandson: the family exhibition at the Maison de Victor Hugo

While the great Victor Hugo is well known, his grandson Georges, the family's first painter and very close to the poet as a child, is less famous. An exhibition pays tribute to him in the family home, from November 10, 2023.
Picasso et la guerre au Musée de l'ArméePicasso et la guerre au Musée de l'ArméePicasso et la guerre au Musée de l'ArméePicasso et la guerre au Musée de l'Armée

Picasso and War at Paris Musée de l’Armée

All along his life, Picasso experiences major conflicts. From the Spanish war to the war in Vietnam, the Picasso and War exhibition will highlight the way all this impacted his works. To discover from April 5 to July 28, 2019 at Paris Musée de l’Armée.