Paris 8eme

Mylo Levin au Beaudelaire BurgundyMylo Levin au Beaudelaire BurgundyMylo Levin au Beaudelaire BurgundyMylo Levin au Beaudelaire Burgundy

Mylo Levin brilliantly takes over Burgundy's Michelin-starred Baudelaire restaurant

The Michelin-starred Le Baudelaire restaurant in the heart of Burgundy Paris opens a new gastronomic chapter with Mylo Levin, newly appointed Executive Chef. Having worked in the kitchens of Le Meurice and Restaurant Papillon, he brings a generous, refined culinary vision to the table, where the product remains at the center of the plate.
Le cinéma UGC Normandie Le cinéma UGC Normandie Le cinéma UGC Normandie Le cinéma UGC Normandie

UGC Normandie cinema

On the Champs-Elysées, you'll find one of the UGC group's cinemas, the Normandie.