Paris history - activities

La Gloriette de Buffon - F0BCB54B 9BDC 4058 AD25 F59510831F90La Gloriette de Buffon - F0BCB54B 9BDC 4058 AD25 F59510831F90La Gloriette de Buffon - F0BCB54B 9BDC 4058 AD25 F59510831F90La Gloriette de Buffon - F0BCB54B 9BDC 4058 AD25 F59510831F90

Did you know? The Gloriette de Buffon is the oldest metal structure in Paris.

In the heart of Paris's 5th arrondissement, the Jardin des Plantes is home to the mysterious and historic Gloriette de Buffon, dating from 1786. Discover a hidden treasure.
Réouverture du Parvis et de la rue du Parvis de Notre-Dame de ParisRéouverture du Parvis et de la rue du Parvis de Notre-Dame de ParisRéouverture du Parvis et de la rue du Parvis de Notre-Dame de ParisRéouverture du Parvis et de la rue du Parvis de Notre-Dame de Paris

Did you know? France's roads start at ground zero, in front of Notre-Dame de Paris.

Paris' long history gives it a number of advantages, not least that of being the starting point for all the roads in France. It has been the country's capital for centuries, and is home to ground zero, located on the forecourt of Notre-Dame Cathedral.
La ruche insolite, vieille enseigne aux Halles -  A7C0194La ruche insolite, vieille enseigne aux Halles -  A7C0194La ruche insolite, vieille enseigne aux Halles -  A7C0194La ruche insolite, vieille enseigne aux Halles -  A7C0194

Did you know? A historic beehive adorns the corner of rue Pierre Lescot and rue Rambuteau.

Right in the heart of the Halles district, the corner of rue Pierre Lescot and rue Rambuteau hides a singular historical treasure. A fascinating sculpted beehive dating from the late 19th century adorns the building at 9 rue Lescot, formerly a honey merchant's stall.
Passage du Caire -  A7C0208Passage du Caire -  A7C0208Passage du Caire -  A7C0208Passage du Caire -  A7C0208

Did you know? The Passage du Caire is the oldest passageway in Paris. Discover its history.

The little-known Passage du Caire, located in the popular rue Saint-Denis district, offers a journey back in time. Built in 1798, this historic Paris landmark has retained a certain austerity, but is well worth a visit for its incredible history. We tell you all about it!
Visuels musée et monument - musee de clunyVisuels musée et monument - musee de clunyVisuels musée et monument - musee de clunyVisuels musée et monument - musee de cluny

Paris is worth a party: the historical festival with medieval banquet and Belle Époque ball

If you're a history buff and a lover of the city of Paris, this is the festival for you! With a historical parade, medieval banquet and village, the atmosphere is one of a journey into the past, from the Middle Ages to the Liberation, via the Belle Époque!
Le saviez-vous ? Voilà la plus petite maison de ParisLe saviez-vous ? Voilà la plus petite maison de ParisLe saviez-vous ? Voilà la plus petite maison de ParisLe saviez-vous ? Voilà la plus petite maison de Paris

Did you know? This is the smallest house in Paris, an unusual house with a rich history.

In the heart of the 10th arrondissement, at no. 39 rue du Château-d'Eau, lies the smallest house in Paris. Measuring less than 1.5 meters wide, this architectural curiosity has a fascinating story to tell.
Visuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de Seine

Did you know? Where does the name Seine come from?

Have you ever wondered about the origins of the Seine's name? Originating from the commune of Sources-Seine in Burgundy, this river is named after a Celtic goddess, Sequana. We tell you all about its history and legend.
Visuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de Triomphe

Did you know? Where does the name Champs-Elysées come from?

Do you know the origin of the name of the Champs-Elysées, the famous Parisian avenue? Created in 1674 by André le Nôtre and officially named in 1698, this royal thoroughfare takes its name from Greek mythology, we tell you.
La façade de l’immeuble Anatole Jal pour Pierre-Jules Jollivert - Cité Malesherbes -  A7C9386La façade de l’immeuble Anatole Jal pour Pierre-Jules Jollivert - Cité Malesherbes -  A7C9386La façade de l’immeuble Anatole Jal pour Pierre-Jules Jollivert - Cité Malesherbes -  A7C9386La façade de l’immeuble Anatole Jal pour Pierre-Jules Jollivert - Cité Malesherbes -  A7C9386

Did you know that a sublime and unusual Parisian façade is hidden in Cité Malesherbes?

Among the most beautiful facades and buildings in Paris is the one designed by the architect Anatole Jal, made for and by the painter Pierre-Jules Jollivet. Nestled in the peaceful and hidden Cité Malesherbes, this marvel with biblical scenes is worth a visit. We tell you its history.
Façade immeuble Journal du Soir - La France -  A7C8664Façade immeuble Journal du Soir - La France -  A7C8664Façade immeuble Journal du Soir - La France -  A7C8664Façade immeuble Journal du Soir - La France -  A7C8664

Did you know that? Discover the history of the Journal du Soir - La France building - rue Montmartre

Immerse yourself in the history of journalism in Paris by visiting the façade of the Journal du Soir - La France, located at 144 rue Montmartre, a witness to a bygone era.
L'historique enseigne Au Planteur côté Montorgueil -  A7C8717L'historique enseigne Au Planteur côté Montorgueil -  A7C8717L'historique enseigne Au Planteur côté Montorgueil -  A7C8717L'historique enseigne Au Planteur côté Montorgueil -  A7C8717

Did you know? What is the history of the Au Planteur façade in Paris that is being debated?

Discover the Au Planteur facade in Paris, Montorgueil district, classified as a historical monument since 1984. Located at 10-12 rue des Petits-Carreaux in the 2nd district, this facade and colonial fresco is still being debated, we tell you its history.
Aux Tortues, la façade historique classée - Paul -  A7C6962Aux Tortues, la façade historique classée - Paul -  A7C6962Aux Tortues, la façade historique classée - Paul -  A7C6962Aux Tortues, la façade historique classée - Paul -  A7C6962

Did you know that? At the Tortues, why does the Paul Haussmann have an unusual façade?

Discover the history of the Maison Aux Tortues, a former store specializing in ivory and tortoiseshell objects, whose historic façade is now preserved by a branch of Paul's Bakery.
Céramic hotel - Architecte Jules Lavirotte - Art Nouveau  - 51A5C94A 6DE7 4DA4 A885 4E4C48232729Céramic hotel - Architecte Jules Lavirotte - Art Nouveau  - 51A5C94A 6DE7 4DA4 A885 4E4C48232729Céramic hotel - Architecte Jules Lavirotte - Art Nouveau  - 51A5C94A 6DE7 4DA4 A885 4E4C48232729Céramic hotel - Architecte Jules Lavirotte - Art Nouveau  - 51A5C94A 6DE7 4DA4 A885 4E4C48232729

Did you know that the Céramic Hôtel and its unusual façade are listed as Historic Monuments?

The Céramic Hôtel, which today is still a hotel named "Hôtel Elysées Crémac Paris", boasts one of the most original façades in Paris. We tell you the story of this Art Nouveau building designed by architect Jules Aimé Lavirotte, winner of the City of Paris facade competition in 1905.
Le Castel Béranger par Hector Guimard - immeuble Art Nouveau de Paris -  A7C5014Le Castel Béranger par Hector Guimard - immeuble Art Nouveau de Paris -  A7C5014Le Castel Béranger par Hector Guimard - immeuble Art Nouveau de Paris -  A7C5014Le Castel Béranger par Hector Guimard - immeuble Art Nouveau de Paris -  A7C5014

Did you know that? The Castel Béranger is one of the emblematic buildings of Art Nouveau in Paris

Did you know that? The Castel Béranger is an emblematic building of Art Nouveau in Paris. It was designed by the architect Hector Guimard, famous for his Art Nouveau creations, including the famous Parisian subway entrances. Located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the Castel Béranger is a true architectural gem, a testimony to the refined aesthetics of the period.
Les plus belles façades de Paris - les plus belles horloges de Paris - immeuble du journal Le TempsLes plus belles façades de Paris - les plus belles horloges de Paris - immeuble du journal Le TempsLes plus belles façades de Paris - les plus belles horloges de Paris - immeuble du journal Le TempsLes plus belles façades de Paris - les plus belles horloges de Paris - immeuble du journal Le Temps

Did you know that this historic building and its clock once belonged to Le Temps magazine?

We often pass in front of it and marvel at the beauty of its facade and its clock, but do you know the history of this building that was once the stronghold of the magazine Le Temps? We tell you...
Les Grandes Eaux Musicales 2018 au Château de VersaillesLes Grandes Eaux Musicales 2018 au Château de VersaillesLes Grandes Eaux Musicales 2018 au Château de VersaillesLes Grandes Eaux Musicales 2018 au Château de Versailles

The Château de Versailles, a witness to French history just a stone's throw from Paris

Located southwest of Paris, in the Yvelines department, the Château de Versailles is one of the region's most visited tourist sites. With 7 million visitors a year (approximately), the estate offers visitors the chance to immerse themselves in history - history with a capital H - and in the daily life of the court between the 17th and 18th centuries.
Paris : découvrez à quoi ressemblait votre quartier au 20e siècle grâce à des photos du Vieux ParisParis : découvrez à quoi ressemblait votre quartier au 20e siècle grâce à des photos du Vieux ParisParis : découvrez à quoi ressemblait votre quartier au 20e siècle grâce à des photos du Vieux ParisParis : découvrez à quoi ressemblait votre quartier au 20e siècle grâce à des photos du Vieux Paris

Paris: discover what the city looked like in the past century thanks to archive pictures

Have you always dreamt of traveling back to the past? The Commission du Vieux Paris offers you to discover the city as it was in the 20th century thanks to incredible archive pictures.
Fluctuat nec mergitur : que signifie la devise de la Ville de Paris ?Fluctuat nec mergitur : que signifie la devise de la Ville de Paris ?Fluctuat nec mergitur : que signifie la devise de la Ville de Paris ?Fluctuat nec mergitur : que signifie la devise de la Ville de Paris ?

Fluctuat nec mergitur: what does the City of Paris’ motto mean?

Fluctuat nec mergitur, here is a motto heard in the city after the 2015’s terror attacks. But do you know the story of this Latin locution and what it means to the City of Paris?
Éphéméride du 25 octobre à Paris : Installation de l'Obélisque de Louxor sur la place de la ConcordeÉphéméride du 25 octobre à Paris : Installation de l'Obélisque de Louxor sur la place de la ConcordeÉphéméride du 25 octobre à Paris : Installation de l'Obélisque de Louxor sur la place de la ConcordeÉphéméride du 25 octobre à Paris : Installation de l'Obélisque de Louxor sur la place de la Concorde

Ephemeris for October 25 in Paris: Installation of the Luxor Obelisk on Place de la Concorde

On October 25, 1836, the Luxor Obelisk was erected in the center of the Place de la Concorde by order of King Louis-Philippe. Offered to France by the Viceroy of Egypt as a token of goodwill, the monolith arrived in Paris in 1833 after an incredible epic voyage on the waves.
Intérieur de la Comédie-Française en 1790Intérieur de la Comédie-Française en 1790Intérieur de la Comédie-Française en 1790Intérieur de la Comédie-Française en 1790

Ephemeris of October 21 in Paris: The birth of the Comédie-Française

On October 21, 1680, the Comédie-Française was founded by order of King Louis XIV, the result of a merger between Molière's troupe and that of the Hôtel de Bourgogne. The sovereign's idea was simple: to put an end to the quarrels between the two rival troupes, while reaffirming royalty by promoting classical French theater, at a time when the Comédie-Italienne was very much in vogue.