Positivity rate - activities

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Coronavirus – Île-de-France: one Île-de-France inhabitant in 25 tests positive

Because of the fifth wave and the high contagiousness of the Omicron variant, the Covid-19 infection toll has been skyrocketing in the country since late December. And Île-de-France is particularly hit since between January 4 and 11, 2022, one test in twenty-five is positive, according to primary data from Santé Publique France.
Covid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le mondeCovid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le mondeCovid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le mondeCovid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le monde

Covid: towards the inversion of the curve and the end of the third wave’s peak in France?

Is the contamination curve inversing? Has the third epidemic wave peaked in France already? This is what some experts think, noticing a decrease in new contamination cases and the incidence rate in French departments complying with “massive curbing measures” for three weeks already. Keep reading to find out more.
Coronavirus : le taux de tests positifs augmente en FranceCoronavirus : le taux de tests positifs augmente en FranceCoronavirus : le taux de tests positifs augmente en FranceCoronavirus : le taux de tests positifs augmente en France

Coronavirus: the rate of positive tests increases in France

The rate of positive tests keeps on increasing in France. It reached 5.2% in France on Week 36 (August 31 to September 6), with a low testing number in comparison with the week before, with 1,323 people tested for 100,000 inhabitants.