Snow paris - activities

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Snow-ice: Paris and Île-de-France under yellow alert this Friday

Due to a further drop in temperatures, Météo France has placed around thirty départements under a "snow-verglas" alert for the day of January 3, 2025. Paris and the whole of the Île-de-France region are affected by this alert. So what can we expect this Friday in the Paris region? Discover the forecast.
La Neige à Paris ce 10 février 2021La Neige à Paris ce 10 février 2021La Neige à Paris ce 10 février 2021La Neige à Paris ce 10 février 2021

Weather: snow back in Paris and Île-de-France at the end of the week?

Winter is well and truly here in France. And with it comes the question of the return of snow. With further deterioration expected in the new year 2025, a few flakes could fall in the Paris region at the end of the week, according to Météo France. Here's what the forecast says.
Neige dans les Yvelines et l'Essonne : transports scolaires suspendus ce jeudi et vendrediNeige dans les Yvelines et l'Essonne : transports scolaires suspendus ce jeudi et vendrediNeige dans les Yvelines et l'Essonne : transports scolaires suspendus ce jeudi et vendrediNeige dans les Yvelines et l'Essonne : transports scolaires suspendus ce jeudi et vendredi

Snow and ice in the Île-de-France region, school transport suspended this Friday in several départements

The episode of snow and ice that has blanketed the Ile-de-France region is causing disruption in Yvelines, Essonne, Val d'Oise and Seine-et-Marne, leading to the suspension of school transport this Friday, November 22, 2024. We take a look at the announcements.
Neige à Paris : la Tour Eiffel fermée jusqu'à vendredi après-midiNeige à Paris : la Tour Eiffel fermée jusqu'à vendredi après-midiNeige à Paris : la Tour Eiffel fermée jusqu'à vendredi après-midiNeige à Paris : la Tour Eiffel fermée jusqu'à vendredi après-midi

Snow in Paris: the Eiffel Tower closed until Friday afternoon

Paris under snow: the Eiffel Tower, emblematic symbol of the capital, will remain closed until Friday afternoon. The snowflakes put on a rare show on Thursday, but weather conditions call for precautions.
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Tips on how to de-ice your windscreen easily to avoid a fine

Windshield de-icing: Discover effective methods for avoiding ice and fines. Practical tips for quick and safe de-icing, which you can use right away.
métro neigemétro neigemétro neigemétro neige

Snow in Ile de France: road traffic and public transport

The snow actually falling on Paris and the Ile-de-France makes road and public transport traffic difficult. This is the occasion for the editorial board to come back on the road traffic and public transportation: buses, trains and other transport.
Saint Germain des Neiges 2015, le village de ski à ParisSaint Germain des Neiges 2015, le village de ski à ParisSaint Germain des Neiges 2015, le village de ski à ParisSaint Germain des Neiges 2015, le village de ski à Paris

Saint Germain des Neiges 2017 in Paris

Saint Germain des Neiges is back for a 5th edition running from November 23 to 16, 2017. For 4 days, the Saint Germain neighborhood is turning into a winter resort as part of the Fête de la Montagne [Mountain Festival] in Paris including a sled run, Fat Bikes tracks, and mountain products stands.