Speaking - activities

Coronavirus : les annonces d'Olivier Véran, la France face à une "accélération" du virusCoronavirus : les annonces d'Olivier Véran, la France face à une "accélération" du virusCoronavirus : les annonces d'Olivier Véran, la France face à une "accélération" du virusCoronavirus : les annonces d'Olivier Véran, la France face à une "accélération" du virus

Coronavirus: mental health impacted, decreasing indicators, what you should retain from Olivier Véran’s press brief

This Thursday November 19, 2020 at 6 p.m., Olivier Véran once again addressed the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic in France. No new measures, but growing worries as for the psychological impacts of the crisis on the French, and health indicators getting slightly better. He still calls for prudence.
Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021

National reconfinement: the new measures detailed by the Castex government

Following Emmanuel Macron's televised interview on October 28, Jean Castex is holding a press conference this Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. to detail the terms of application of the national reconfinement. The head of government is accompanied by Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, and will present the various specifics of this new containment.
Le Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénové

Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron's plan for culture

Since this past March 17th, the culture world is seriously hit by the health crisis. In order to support this sector and artists that keep it alive, on Wednesday May 6th, French President Emmanuel Macron met several culture players. Reopening museums and bookstores, rehearsals resuming, creation of a temporary compensation fund for shots cancelled and extension of temporary show business workers' rights to August 2021... Here's an update.