The seinograph - activities

4 Crosses : les bijoux made in Paris4 Crosses : les bijoux made in Paris4 Crosses : les bijoux made in Paris4 Crosses : les bijoux made in Paris

4 Crosses: ravishing jewelry made in Paris

Want to know what you're wearing around your neck or wrist? Of course you do! 4 Crosses is the local jewelry brand that has everything to seduce us. We'll be quick to adopt these jewels, entirely designed in Paris, with their elegant and original lines, and their affordable prices!
La Seinographe : le concept store holistique et engagé du 9èmeLa Seinographe : le concept store holistique et engagé du 9èmeLa Seinographe : le concept store holistique et engagé du 9èmeLa Seinographe : le concept store holistique et engagé du 9ème

La Seinographe: the holistic and committed concept store of the 9th

We love La Seinographe, the concept store that opened in 2020 in the 9th district. This holistic and committed place offers a selection of creations made in France and products dedicated to well-being. Even better, La Seinographe now offers energy treatments and soon yoga classes. A place that is good to know. We met its creator Marina, we tell you about it!