Tobacco - activities

Mois sans tabac : les conseils pratiques pour arrêter de fumer Mois sans tabac : les conseils pratiques pour arrêter de fumer Mois sans tabac : les conseils pratiques pour arrêter de fumer Mois sans tabac : les conseils pratiques pour arrêter de fumer

Smoke-free month: practical tips for quitting smoking

Quit smoking... That's the kind of good resolution that's harder to make than to keep. To mark the launch of the "Moi(s) sans tabac" campaign, gives you a whole host of practical tips you can adopt quickly to put an end to your addiction to tobacco for good.
Coronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravantsCoronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravantsCoronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravantsCoronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravants

Coronavirus: obesity, age, tobacco, chronic diseases…. These aggravating factors

Age, tobacco, chronic diseases, as well as gender and blood type… What are the factors likely to aggravate the state of health of a patient tested positive for coronavirus? Let’s have a look with the latest studies released by searchers and doctors.

The smoker's museum, between rites and culture

This week we take you to the Musée du Fumeur. Don't let your preconceived ideas get the better of you: this place isn't a cannabis cult. On the contrary, with its exhibits and plants, it will introduce you to the history of the smoker and the introduction of this practice in Europe.