Vaccine strategy - activities

Covid : et si le variant Omicron mettait fin à l'épidémie ?Covid : et si le variant Omicron mettait fin à l'épidémie ?Covid : et si le variant Omicron mettait fin à l'épidémie ?Covid : et si le variant Omicron mettait fin à l'épidémie ?

Omicron to push Covid toward being an endemic disease, the European Medicines Agency says

According to the European Medicines Agency, the Omicron variant might be able to transform Covid into an endemic disease with which the people can and will have to learn to live with.
Coronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en EuropeCoronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en EuropeCoronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en EuropeCoronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en Europe

Covid vaccine: Europe is not late, Alain Fischer says

As some countries such as Canada, the United States of America and the United Kingdom have already initiated their Covid-19 vaccine campaign, what about Europe? Is the Old Continent late? According to Alain Fischer – head of the vaccine strategy board – this is not the case. Here is more on the matter!
Coronavirus : "Sortez d'ici !", la colère d'Olivier Véran face aux députés à l'Assemblée nationale Coronavirus : "Sortez d'ici !", la colère d'Olivier Véran face aux députés à l'Assemblée nationale Coronavirus : "Sortez d'ici !", la colère d'Olivier Véran face aux députés à l'Assemblée nationale Coronavirus : "Sortez d'ici !", la colère d'Olivier Véran face aux députés à l'Assemblée nationale

Covid vaccine: “We will begin once we get guarantees” Olivier Véran says

This Sunday November 29, Olivier Véran told JDD they wanted to take their time and reassure the French as for the Covid vaccine. Goal. Making sure of the reliability of the vaccine before proposing it to the French as most of them are not willing to have it inoculated.