Women's foundation - activities

Visuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Adidas ArenaVisuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Adidas ArenaVisuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Adidas ArenaVisuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Adidas Arena

Nos voix pour toutes: a major concert in support of women's rights at the Adidas Arena in Paris

A major show of solidarity for women's rights, hosted by Muriel Robin and Anne Le Nen, and featuring some thirty artists from a wide range of backgrounds! This is the program that awaits you on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at the Adidas Arena in Paris on the occasion of the first edition of "Nos voix pour toutes", a charity evening orchestrated by the Fondation des Femmes. We tell you all about it.
Courses à pied - semi marathon - IMG 0640Courses à pied - semi marathon - IMG 0640Courses à pied - semi marathon - IMG 0640Courses à pied - semi marathon - IMG 0640

La Nuit des Relais 2024: a night-time solidarity race against violence against women

Nuit des Relais is back in Paris! This solidarity race against violence against women awaits you this April 23, 2024, on the square in front of the Hôtel de Ville, for an evening of sport and festivities.