Yes we camp - activities

Champion·ne·s !, la première olympiade sportive de la Friche Plaine AirChampion·ne·s !, la première olympiade sportive de la Friche Plaine AirChampion·ne·s !, la première olympiade sportive de la Friche Plaine AirChampion·ne·s !, la première olympiade sportive de la Friche Plaine Air

Champion-ne-s!, the Friche Plaine Air sports olympiad is back!

For the second time, the Yes We Camp association is organizing the Sports Olympiad on the large Plaine Air brownfield site, a collective event ideal for getting together in the neighborhood, from June 22 to 24, 2023.
Césure à Paris, nos photosCésure à Paris, nos photosCésure à Paris, nos photosCésure à Paris, nos photos

Césure: the Plateau Urbain and Yes We Camp third-location project in Paris

Plateau Urbain and Yes We Camp finally unveil to the public a new third-place in Paris. What's it called? Césure. This time, the two co-founders of Grands Voisins and Bercy Beaucoup are temporarily occupying the former Censier site of the Université Paris-III Sorbonne-Nouvelle. So get in now to enjoy a soft opening of the spot, before the grand opening announced for September.