Yes we camp

Champion-ne-s!, the Friche Plaine Air sports olympiad is back!

For the second time, the Yes We Camp association is organizing the Sports Olympiad on the large Plaine Air brownfield site, a collective event ideal for getting together in the neighborhood, from June 22 to 24, 2023.
Césure à Paris, nos photosCésure à Paris, nos photosCésure à Paris, nos photosCésure à Paris, nos photos

Césure: the Plateau Urbain and Yes We Camp third-location project in Paris

Plateau Urbain and Yes We Camp finally unveil to the public a new third-place in Paris. What's it called? Césure. This time, the two co-founders of Grands Voisins and Bercy Beaucoup are temporarily occupying the former Censier site of the Université Paris-III Sorbonne-Nouvelle. So get in now to enjoy a soft opening of the spot, before the grand opening announced for September.