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The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts
The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts


The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts

The French Donuts, Pariisin donitsiasiantuntijat

French Donuts (entinen Humm... DOnuts) on edelleen amerikkalaisten donitsien ystävien ehdoton valinta. Heidän pyöreät, pulleat donitsinsa vaihtuvat joka kuukausi uteliaita varten! Paikka toimii myös kahvilana, jossa voit rentoutua ja juoda mochan, chai latten tai pirtelön Pariisin 9. kaupunginosassa.