축제 시즌을 맞아 114 옥상에 올라가기

코트야드 바이 메리어트 파리 불로뉴의 파노라마 테라스에서 크리스마스 시즌을 맞아 미니 크리스마스 마켓을 열고 멀드 와인 한 잔을 즐겨보세요.

Le bar du 114 up on the RoofLe bar du 114 up on the RoofLe bar du 114 up on the RoofLe bar du 114 up on the Roof
Le 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode Noël
Le 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode Noël
Le bar du 114 up on the RoofLe bar du 114 up on the RoofLe bar du 114 up on the RoofLe bar du 114 up on the Roof
Le 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode Noël
Mini marché de Noël au 114 up on the RoofMini marché de Noël au 114 up on the RoofMini marché de Noël au 114 up on the RoofMini marché de Noël au 114 up on the Roof
Mini marché de Noël au 114 up on the RoofMini marché de Noël au 114 up on the RoofMini marché de Noël au 114 up on the RoofMini marché de Noël au 114 up on the Roof
Le 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode NoëlLe 114 up on the Roof en mode Noël