6 p.m. curfew

Visuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuit

Lockdown exit: end of curfew and compulsory facemask-wearing in France

In compliance with the government's lockdown exit plan, curfew is to be moved twice in May and June, before being fully lifted at the beginning of summer. French are allowed to be out until late as curfew is moved to 11 p.m. since Wednesday June 9. But this Wednesday June 16, 2021 Prime Minister Jean Castex announced curfew ultimately comes to a close this Sunday June 20 everywhere in France, and the obligation of wearing a mask outside is no longer valid starting this Thursday June 17 given the good results of the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.
Visuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'Elysée

Covid: "Additional measures will be made" in Île-de-France, Attal confirms

This Wednesday March 17, 2021 government spokesman Gabriel Attal shares his report following governmental meetings. Given the "degrading epidemic situation", he confirmed that "additional measures will be made statring this weekend", in Île-de-France, and Hauts-de-France. President Macron has to choose between strict 24/7 lockdown and weekend lockdown. As for the final decision, he says to wait for "tomorrow's press briefing".
Visuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinement

Coronavirus: Is curfew from 6 p.m. effective? More about the latest data

The coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in France and despite curfew from 6 p.m., another lockdown is more and more dreaded. Can it be prevented? It depends on the effectiveness of nationwide curfew that has been assessed. Here is what the latest data from Santé Publique France says.
Coronavirus : Macron réunit un conseil de Défense, les nouvelles mesures sanitaires probables Coronavirus : Macron réunit un conseil de Défense, les nouvelles mesures sanitaires probables Coronavirus : Macron réunit un conseil de Défense, les nouvelles mesures sanitaires probables Coronavirus : Macron réunit un conseil de Défense, les nouvelles mesures sanitaires probables

Border restrictions, closure of shopping malls... Jean Castex's announcements

A new Health Defense Council took place this Friday January 29, 2021 at 6 p.m. At the end of this restricted National Defense and Safety Council, Prime Minister Jean Castex took the floor to announce new measures implemented in France to fight against coronavirus. Here are his latest statements.
Visuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue paris

Curfew: to open on Sundays, storekeepers call for an easier process

This Thursday January 14, Jean Castex announced curfew from 6 p.m. will have all storekeepers in France to close earlier, for at least two weeks. To overcome lost working hours, the government allows storekeepers to open on Sundays. But they call for an easier process.
Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ?

Coronavirus Paris - Île-de-France: curfew from 6 p.m. starting Saturday

The coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in France and to curb the spread, the government has announced curfew from 6 p.m. in mainland France including in Paris and Île-de-France as the virus is gaining ground.

Curfew from 6 p.m. in France, departments it applies to and might apply to

As a third coronavirus wave is about to break ashore, a new nationwide lockdown has been ruled out by the government. An earlier curfew - from 6 p.m. - has been chosen and only expected to be applied to departments the virus spreads the most. Here are the 25 departments concerned, and the 3 next departments that to be placed under early curfew.