According to the American magazine Newsweek, several AP-HP hospitals are still well placed in the rankings of the world's best hospitals, particularly in neurology, oncology and cardiology.
Are restrictions in Île-de-France to be made stricter soon? If not, then 230 people could be hospitalized every day in Île-de-France, according to AP-HP’s projections.
Facing the resurgence of coronavirus, Olivier Véran has announced caregivers might be urged to give up on their days off on All Saints vacations. A measure on a voluntary basis.
According to a study co-carried out between several Parisian institutes including the Université de Paris, the Institut Pasteur, and the AP-HP, the lack of a certain protein in the blood could originate severe cases of coronavirus.
In an interview for Franceinter, hotel group Accor president Sébastien Bazin said that several hotels will welcome from April 16 as of evening covid-19 sick, “asymptomatic or weak carriers” but contagious.
Île-de-France Movilités has announced to set up from March 23rd and for as long as it’s needed twenty bus shuttles reserved only for the hospital staff. Goal? Help the health staff in Île-de-France move around more easily as the public transit traffic is already very limited.