Butterflies - activities

Serre Papillons - La Queue-lez-YvelinesSerre Papillons - La Queue-lez-YvelinesSerre Papillons - La Queue-lez-YvelinesSerre Papillons - La Queue-lez-Yvelines

La Serre aux Papillons in La Queue-lez-Yvelines, a tropical jungle near Paris

Forty kilometers from Paris, in the Yvelines, nestles an atypical and exciting place for the whole family, a butterfly greenhouse! Located in La Queue-lez-Yvelines, it was the very first tropical greenhouse in France to welcome these colorful and exotic insects, particularly graceful.
Araignées, Lucioles et Papillons au Musée en Herbe : nos photosAraignées, Lucioles et Papillons au Musée en Herbe : nos photosAraignées, Lucioles et Papillons au Musée en Herbe : nos photosAraignées, Lucioles et Papillons au Musée en Herbe : nos photos

Spiders, Fireflies and Butterflies, photos of the artistic-scientific exhibition at Musée en Herbe

The Musée en Herbe welcomes young and old alike to discover the mysterious world of the little beasts that inhabit our world. The exhibition Spiders, Fireflies and Butterflies awaits you from June 13, 2020 to January 3, 2021. Explore the exhibition with the whole family and enjoy the many works of art and vivariums, to learn while having fun! The exhibition is closed until further notice.