Children's gallery - activities

Les Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 655EF3BD 5D49 4243 9E71 AA934E550A2ALes Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 655EF3BD 5D49 4243 9E71 AA934E550A2ALes Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 655EF3BD 5D49 4243 9E71 AA934E550A2ALes Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 655EF3BD 5D49 4243 9E71 AA934E550A2A

The Children's Gallery, HQ of the little ones at the Centre Georges Pompidou

Want to go to the museum but with your family, things get complicated: the kids get bored, you can't run around or let off steam, the exhibition doesn't interest your youngest ones...So, don't worry, the Centre Georges Pompidou has created an exhibition space specially designed for the little ones, so they can discover modern and contemporary art with activities just for them!
Les Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 7DE37041 2163 4D70 9B2F 31A117675D6ELes Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 7DE37041 2163 4D70 9B2F 31A117675D6ELes Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 7DE37041 2163 4D70 9B2F 31A117675D6ELes Plantamouves du Centre Georges Pompidou - 7DE37041 2163 4D70 9B2F 31A117675D6E

The plantamouves, the giant foam installation of the Centre Pompidou, to play with your family

When you hear about plantamouves, you may be imagining a large, colorful plant that can be admired freely. If so, you are almost there! The difference is that the installation of the plantamouves is even more playful: even if we are in a museum, you, your children/nephews/grandchildren are free to roll around, step over, jump on these multicolored puddles!